Test E cycle and limp dick


Pain is for losers
Hey, I just started a Test E cycle 500mg/wk and now my dick stopped working. I am not as hard and it loses stiffness during sex. I thought that I would be harder/hornier than ever on the juice. I know some anabolics like Deca can shut your shit down and I would guess that after the cycle while on post cycle therapy (pct) your shit does not function well either.

Not sure if it makes a difference, but I am 47and have somewhat of a spare tire in the middle.
how far into cycle are you? also are you running any hcg? next time get your hands on some masteron.. you and your old lady will love it... :tounge2:
so being a newbie, what is estradiol? I know what estrogen is but not that. Masteron? Is that another steroid?
so being a newbie, what is estradiol? I know what estrogen is but not that. Masteron? Is that another steroid?

your estradiol is part of your hormone panel,it's levels has to be right on for you to get an erection and if its to high or to low,you wont get an erection,just like test,but testosteron can convert(aromatize) into estrogen(estradiol) you can take test and it will convert to estrogen without you knowing it and your libido will be shit,sometimes test aromatizes up to 90% estrogen,so get your levels checked....the norm for a male is 25-35pg/ml into the 50's is ok,but keepit in the range

aromasin will stablize estradiol to were it needs to be,but you gotta get a blood test to dial in your dose