Test e cycle nutrition suggestions.


New member
Hey guys I need some help I'm kinda at a stressed out point and really don't know what to do. I'm one week in on my first cycle ever test e 12 weeks 500mg a week. I'm 25 5"7 206 22 % BF. My diet is really clean I also do cardio I just really need to know on test should I cut my calories under my maintenance or should I eat above? I've read so many different things that say eat above you'll gain mass and burn BF. I'm just worried I don't have room to put on any BF but want to gain mass at the same time I know people will say not to jump on cycle with BF over 20 but some say they did it does anyone have any experiences or suggestions?
eat above keep calories clean your g2g, relax and enjoy your cycle brother.
you will experience some bloating esp if you dont take AI. which you may think is bf
Do you want to bulk or cut?

Being your first cycle you'll be able to drop body fat and gain muscle either way. If you're main goal is to get your body fat down then you should eat at a deficit. I did this on my first test cycle and while I was pleased with the results, it was difficult knowing I wasn't gaining as much muscle as I should have if I was eating 1200 more calories a day.

I doubt you'd put on any BF eating at a surplus.

I also started at a high body fat and didn't have any issues. Are you running an ai? Did you get bloodwork pre cycle?
Do you want to bulk or cut?

Being your first cycle you'll be able to drop body fat and gain muscle either way. If you're main goal is to get your body fat down then you should eat at a deficit. I did this on my first test cycle and while I was pleased with the results, it was difficult knowing I wasn't gaining as much muscle as I should have if I was eating 1200 more calories a day.

I doubt you'd put on any BF eating at a surplus.

I also started at a high body fat and didn't have any issues. Are you running an ai? Did you get bloodwork pre cycle?
eat around maintenance calories , up your volume and intensity in your workouts . You'll more then likely burn fat and build muscle if this is your first cycle