Test E Dbol Deca, should i add winny? Vets your advice would be greatly appreciated

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New member
Im currently 10 wks of test e and 7 weeks deca in on 600mg of test e and 300mg of deca per week. heres my planned cycle

wk 1-4 dbol @ 30-40mg
wk1-16 test e @ 600 mg
wk 3-15 deca @300-350mg
wk 4-8 ; wk 12-16 HCG @ 500iu/ wk

anastrozole 2mg per week
(no gyno or bloat yet so dose seems to be fine)

Now the quesion is should i add another oral cycle of Winstrol (winny), Tbol, or Dbol for the last 5 wks of the cycle?

Also, I have caber in hand for the deca sides (so far no sides) but should i start using it or hold off, taking B6 too.

How should i dose my pct i have nolvadex on hand, clomid, letro,?

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Im currently 10 wks of test e and 7 weeks deca in on 600mg of test e and 300mg of deca per week. heres my planned cycle

wk 1-4 dbol @ 30-40mg
wk1-16 test e @ 600 mg
wk 3-15 deca @300-350mg
wk 4-8 ; wk 12-16 HCG @ 500iu/ wk

anastrozole 2mg per week
(no gyno or bloat yet so dose seems to be fine)

Now the quesion is should i add another oral cycle of Winstrol (winny), Tbol, or Dbol for the last 5 wks of the cycle?

Also, I have caber in hand for the deca sides (so far no sides) but should i start using it or hold off, taking B6 too.

How should i dose my pct i have nolvadex on hand, clomid, letro,?

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

anyone who gives you advice without knowing your age / weight / height / body fat / training experience / steroid experience /etc. isnt doing you a favor .
Well its hard to believe this isn't your first cycle being you don't have a post cycle therapy (pct) planned. You should have that shit known on your first cycle. What if something would go wrong and you have to start your post cycle therapy (pct)? You don't even know how to run it! Stupid and letro is best used if you get gyno and is too strong to be ran for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Though you could at very small doses. Not recommend. Aromasin is the way to go for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Anyway what's your stats. Deca should be stopped 2 weeks before test not 1
Im 20 5'11'' 180-185lb (weight fluctauates alot)

Yes i know i should have planned it out but i didnt thats why im asking for your advice, and this is my second cycle my first was 6 wks of test prop at 100mg eod and that was a year ago.
Im 20 5'11'' 180-185lb (weight fluctauates alot)

Yes i know i should have planned it out but i didnt thats why im asking for your advice, and this is my second cycle my first was 6 wks of test prop at 100mg eod and that was a year ago.

dont add any more steroids , add more food.
alright thanks for the advice and i will listen since im still young, but can you help me out with the caber and post cycle therapy (pct) situation?
alright thanks for the advice and i will listen since im still young, but can you help me out with the caber and post cycle therapy (pct) situation?

i doubt you even need caber at those doses. post cycle therapy (pct) start 2 weeks after last test e injection / 3 weeks after last deca injection . run clomid at 50 mg a day for 3-4 weeks.

DADAWG your the man!!! ive been eating like its my job i need something to boost my appetite... what about the nolvadex should i just leave it out?
Oh yeah i have also been taking proviron at 25mg ed throughout the cycle so far, should i keep going for the whole 16 wks? bump dose to 50mg?
Taking anavar during or after your pct isn't smart, even at a low dose. As ar as your caber goes, as long as you keep your estro in check you shouldn't have any prolactin issues from the deca. Like dadawg said, EAT BRO. Run test 2 weeks longer then deca. Pct 2 wks after last test pin. Clomid 50/50/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 and run the adex through pct also but taper the last 2 weeks to prevent estro rebound. I finished a similar cycle a few months ago and did dbol the first 5 weeks and backloaded the last 3 weeks. I was shut down HARD in pct either from the deca or dbol backload or both so I wouldn't recommend backloading this cycle. Try it next cycle that way you know what's causing what.