Test E/ Mast E/ Var cycle


New member
I'm new to this, as this is my first post.

But with that being said, I'm 24, 6'0", 220 and sitting around 12%bf. I've done 2 cycles sus 600mg a week for 12 weeks, with t Bol to start them both. Had great results but I'm wanting to do something different. I'm going to drop below 10% in the next month and then get ready to start.

My goals are to lean bulk through out I'll start with around 3000-3500 calories and monitor how I'm doing through out the weeks.

I want to run
500mg of Test E a week
400mg of Mast E a week
And i would like to add var, but was curious for your input as to begging/end/or through the whole thing.

Hopefully for 12-15weeks.

I appreciate your help and input.
I'm new to this, as this is my first post.

But with that being said, I'm 24, 6'0", 220 and sitting around 12%bf. I've done 2 cycles sus 600mg a week for 12 weeks, with t Bol to start them both. Had great results but I'm wanting to do something different. I'm going to drop below 10% in the next month and then get ready to start.

My goals are to lean bulk through out I'll start with around 3000-3500 calories and monitor how I'm doing through out the weeks.

I want to run
500mg of Test E a week
400mg of Mast E a week
And i would like to add var, but was curious for your input as to begging/end/or through the whole thing.

Hopefully for 12-15weeks.

I appreciate your help and input.

Welcome, I think that the var would fit in better at the end of your cycle. You would do very well to up that mast dosage to 700 mg wk, at 400 mg wk you will just have a high libido and nothing more imo. I know mast is expensive but don't waste it by only running 400 mg. I noticed that you don't have an AI in your cycle, are you going to be using one? I would also recommend using hcg throughout the cycle. What does your pct consist of?
Ur masteron dosage is moderate , try upping it a bit..

Don't think that masteron would work as an AI

Guys who depend on it as an AI get screwed up big time ..
Thanks, what doses for the var? I have heard several people say 80-100. But most of them are not running mast either.

I am going to run .25 of Adex ED as to I'm prone to gyno.

My pct was gonna be the same as my last 2 cycles. 2weeks after last pin 4040/20/20 of nolvedex and staying on the Adex till its done. I've been wanting to get some HCG but finding it has been tough and when I do it's more than I can afford. But I'm considering sucking it up and paying for it this time as I've heard it's worth it.

Thanks for the help
If you are running high quality var then you will get great gains at 50-60 mg a day. Good luck bud