I am banned!
Little background... 34/6'4", 248lbs/roughly 16/17 % bf
Cycle history, 1st cycle 12 weeks test e, 2nd cycle test e/deca/dbol, then ran some prop for a few weeks and now I'm running test e/npp for the last 2 weeks and just received my mk677 sponsored by sarmssearch, which I will log with my completely biased opinion for the guys who know me, they know I keep it real. Going to dose 30mg right now, so about 2 hrs before bed and see how that works for me and adjust if needed. Read a lot of good shit about mk677 so I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about and sharing with yous guys. See you fuckers in gainzville
Cycle history, 1st cycle 12 weeks test e, 2nd cycle test e/deca/dbol, then ran some prop for a few weeks and now I'm running test e/npp for the last 2 weeks and just received my mk677 sponsored by sarmssearch, which I will log with my completely biased opinion for the guys who know me, they know I keep it real. Going to dose 30mg right now, so about 2 hrs before bed and see how that works for me and adjust if needed. Read a lot of good shit about mk677 so I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about and sharing with yous guys. See you fuckers in gainzville