Test E/Npp/Mk677 by sarmsearch log


I am banned!
Little background... 34/6'4", 248lbs/roughly 16/17 % bf
Cycle history, 1st cycle 12 weeks test e, 2nd cycle test e/deca/dbol, then ran some prop for a few weeks and now I'm running test e/npp for the last 2 weeks and just received my mk677 sponsored by sarmssearch, which I will log with my completely biased opinion for the guys who know me, they know I keep it real. Going to dose 30mg right now, so about 2 hrs before bed and see how that works for me and adjust if needed. Read a lot of good shit about mk677 so I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about and sharing with yous guys. See you fuckers in gainzville ;)
K so first off, that was hands down the worst shit I've ever tasted in my life. That's gonna be hard to get used to for sure, and I thought prami was bad ha! Holy fuck ok I'll quit bein a bitch lol
Hahaha! Yup, that's what I said about their LGD. Taste like concentrated bong water. Here's how I handled it: hit the drops like a feeding baby bird. Mouth open, tongue out, head back, try to squirt drops right into throat bypassing tongue. Follow immediately with strong chaser rinse!

Well worth it tho!
Dunno if I will ever get used to that taste. Hopefully the juice is worth the squeeze! I think Blake is just trying to poison me so he can get bigger than me haha jk
So yeah appetite is up a bit, the craziest thing I've noticed is the planters wart on my feet that have been driving me insane are all the sudden vanished alongside a very uncomfortable lump on the right side of my knee. They all disappeared at the same time, about 6 days after starting the mk, good shit
Whoa, this is unexpected. I've got a plantars wart on my left foot that I've been doing nothing about, should freeze it off one of these days.

You are on 750 test e/wk, 150 NPP eod, and 30mg Mk?
Whoa, this is unexpected. I've got a plantars wart on my left foot that I've been doing nothing about, should freeze it off one of these days.

You are on 750 test e/wk, 150 NPP eod, and 30mg Mk?

Yea I bought the medicated patches to get rid of one a while back but it came back. Now they both just went away like magic! Awesome cause they were fuckin painful!!! Yes you got my cycle on point there bud
I bought some oral syringes (they look a lot like a 1ml insulin syringe, only without a needle and a larger hole for the liquid to move easily). I dose with one of them and put it on the very back of my tongue. I can barely taste it.

As an aside, our carrier is an oil, which holds the product in solution (which is why you do not have to shake the bottle). This allows the first and last dose to be the same amount of product. It also means you can take a swig of MCT oil to wash it down. Good MCT oil is tasteless, odorless, and colorless, so it washes the mouth out nicely of other oils.
1 week into the mk677, almost threw it up tonight, I don't get why it has to taste so bad lol, but shut up! Man up! Down the hatch! Can't do a lot with my chest injury except arms, so I'm gonna hit arms for the 3rd time in 5 days tomorrow lol.
Ever try powder tudca? Betcha it's worse.

My one dabble into sarms I bought powder and mixed it up with Everclear, taste was pretty horrific.
1 week into the mk677, almost threw it up tonight, I don't get why it has to taste so bad lol, but shut up! Man up! Down the hatch! Can't do a lot with my chest injury except arms, so I'm gonna hit arms for the 3rd time in 5 days tomorrow lol.

It is pretty disgusting, and it's not like you can wash it down with a swig of water and the aftertaste goes away. Seemlike it lingers for several minutes
Your all a bunch of softcocks lol
Taste beautiful wash it down with a mouthful of redbull and your good to go. Back when i first started taking sarms it was all sublingual under the tounge for about 2 minutes
Your all a bunch of softcocks lol
Taste beautiful wash it down with a mouthful of redbull and your good to go. Back when i first started taking sarms it was all sublingual under the tounge for about 2 minutes
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Your all a bunch of softcocks lol
Taste beautiful wash it down with a mouthful of redbull and your good to go. Back when i first started taking sarms it was all sublingual under the tounge for about 2 minutes

If I had to hold that in my mouth for 2 mins I would rip my tongue out lol. Vodka/squirt is my chaser of choice if on hand ;)
I'll second cybersage's approach of using a 1ml syringe and squiring it in the back of the throat. That's about the best you can do.

The plastic is always hard, and there's no stigma in putting it in your mouth
Like you have never taken a shot of alcohol before. This one actually helps your gains

Apparently you haven't tasted it or got a better batch lol, I would gladly take a shot of any alcohol over that. Anyways we've established it tastes terrible let's move on with the log...
Hit biceps/triceps today, was getting a sick pump, biceps keep cramping up hours afterwards, good shit. I managed to stay a whole 15 mins on the stairclimber at a pretty intense pace, pat myself on the back for that lol