Test E powder doesn't smell right?


New member
So I received my raws from a new source. The EQ, Var, Cialis and Viagra all check out except I'm very unsure about the Test E...

All previous Test E raws I've had smelled kind of nice, like a sweet pine-like smell. These raws do not smell anything like that. It was delivered hard and waxy so it probably melted in transit and it passes the finger melting test, but I honestly don't know. The only issue I have is the smell. It has an almost plastic smell to it, mixed with a hint of musk. My biggest concern is that it's Deca which would be a BIG problem obviously. Another possibility is that it's Test C, but I've never brewed Test C or Deca so I don't know what the raws would smell like. I did a quick search which is why I feel it could be one or the other.

Perhaps someone with more experience can chime in? All thoughts are greatly appreciated!
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So I received my raws from a new source. The EQ, Var, Cialis and Viagra all check out except I'm very unsure about the Test E...

All previous Test E raws I've had smelled kind of nice, like a sweet pine-like smell. These raws do not smell anything like that. It was delivered hard and waxy so it probably melted in transit and it passes the finger melting test, but I honestly don't know. The only issue I have is the smell. It has an almost plastic smell to it, mixed with a hint of musk. My biggest concern is that it's Deca which would be a BIG problem obviously. Another possibility is that it's Test C, but I've never brewed Test C or Deca so I don't know what the raws would smell like. I did a quick search which is why I feel it could be one or the other.

Perhaps someone with more experience can chime in? All thoughts are greatly appreciated!

Test c has a high melting point, and Deca stinks and the smell will linger (npp linger for weeks lol). Maybe you have an acidic batch and some potency is lost. Unless your source sucks they would not send fake Test E. Melting Test is good to gauge potency. At this point I would recommend a labmax, but I am sure that I would know what is happening if I had the powder. Does it even have a hint of fruit smell? I am sure I am familiar with your source but you can't even PM me lol
Test c has a high melting point, and Deca stinks and the smell will linger (npp linger for weeks lol). Maybe you have an acidic batch and some potency is lost. Unless your source sucks they would not send fake Test E. Melting Test is good to gauge potency. At this point I would recommend a labmax, but I am sure that I would know what is happening if I had the powder. Does it even have a hint of fruit smell? I am sure I am familiar with your source but you can't even PM me lol

I appreciate the input. I gave it some seriously deep whiffs trying to find even a slight fruity smell and came up with nothing. It's a hard smell to pinpoint but the best I can come up with is plastic-like. For what it's worth I got it from China which was a gamble, I was surprised it even made it to my doorstep. The only thing giving me some sort of hope here is that the EQ is spot on, along with the other goodies. It's just the test e that's throwing me off and is the staple of my cycle. It would really piss me off the pin it for a few weeks only to find out it's not test. I've read some conflicting things regarding labmax, but at the same time I'm not about to pay $$$ to have a legitimate lab test done for such a small order.
if its hard and waxy its most likely test E. its not test cyp cuz that wouldnt of melted in transit and the test cyp smells like test E anyway.

my only thought is that it could be test e that hasnt been manufactured properly and still has that acid attached to it not sure what it is... carbolic acid maybe?

i had a small batch like what you explain, hard waxy test e with a plastic type smell to it and when i brewed it when it was melting it made small amounts of frothy foam that slowly went away after it was on the heat for a while.

all i can say is brew it and if theres foamy looking shit when your melting it, filter it and only pin a little bit because if its still got the acid attached to the ester its fucking painful as hell and will give you flu like symptoms. if thats the case throw the batch out and you need to find a different source.
all i can say is brew it and if theres foamy looking shit when your melting it, filter it and only pin a little bit because if its still got the acid attached to the ester its fucking painful as hell and will give you flu like symptoms. if thats the case throw the batch out and you need to find a different source.

Thanks brotha....it wasn't frothy, just melted into a gel. I'm gonna pin .5cc just to see what happens. Might even cut it with some EO to be on the safe side.
I appreciate the input. I gave it some seriously deep whiffs trying to find even a slight fruity smell and came up with nothing. It's a hard smell to pinpoint but the best I can come up with is plastic-like. For what it's worth I got it from China which was a gamble, I was surprised it even made it to my doorstep. The only thing giving me some sort of hope here is that the EQ is spot on, along with the other goodies. It's just the test e that's throwing me off and is the staple of my cycle. It would really piss me off the pin it for a few weeks only to find out it's not test. I've read some conflicting things regarding labmax, but at the same time I'm not about to pay $$$ to have a legitimate lab test done for such a small order.
how do you know the EQ is spot on?
by smelll?
No offence but i hope this is a joke... containers its kept in and potancy and soomany factors come into play... test it if you dont trust your source, but not just by smell IMO
Your powder may have gone acidic my friend. Find a guy named ADENVER here who also brews, and maybe he has encountered this issue. I have only had two batches of test e powder and both were the same in every way.
how do you know the EQ is spot on?
by smelll?
No offence but i hope this is a joke... containers its kept in and potancy and soomany factors come into play... test it if you dont trust your source, but not just by smell IMO

No I've brewed EQ before, aside from the smell the texture/consistency and color are what I'm referring to. Could it be underdosed? Sure, that's always a possibility regardless whether you brew or go through a ugl. Truth is I'm honestly not concerned about it. The Cialis and Viagra were very good, tested them both. The var looks good too, definitely not winny, it's not fine enough to be winny and has a nice grainy texture. I'll have to experiment with it to see how my strength gains are affected. I usually run the var towards the end of a cycle but will be running it in the beginning to gauge the quality since the test gains would take a few weeks to kick in.
Your powder may have gone acidic my friend. Find a guy named ADENVER here who also brews, and maybe he has encountered this issue. I have only had two batches of test e powder and both were the same in every way.

Thanks man. This was my first time ordering from a source in China and I've read that there are occasional issues during the production process regarding the enanthate ester. I'm dumping it, just not worth the risk. Had I known this I would of just went with cyp since it bypasses the issue.
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how do you know the EQ is spot on?
by smelll?
No offence but i hope this is a joke... containers its kept in and potancy and soomany factors come into play... test it if you dont trust your source, but not just by smell IMO

EQ would be a tough one to fake. The smell and it is a liquid as a raw. Plus, only a true scumbag would fake it because it is dirt cheap anyways. Melt test and labmax are your best friends in this whole raw game.