Test E, Tren E, Anadrol Dosing Advice


New member
Hey all I'm new to this forum.

I'm 27 years old I've been lifting since I was 16. I've done about 7 cycles before.
I'm 5'5 185 lbs. Between 6-8% bf

I am about to try anadrol for the first time. I have done tren a few times in the past but had problems getting good gear. I always prefer to run long esters because once every month I have to travel for about a week and I don't feel comfortable traveling with gear.

So because I've never taken anadrol I'd like to know what kind of dose you guys would suggest for these three taken together. Obviously I'll only run the anadrol for the first 4 weeks.

Thanks for any help.
Hey all I'm new to this forum.

I'm 27 years old I've been lifting since I was 16. I've done about 7 cycles before.
I'm 5'5 185 lbs. Between 6-8% bf

I am about to try anadrol for the first time. I have done tren a few times in the past but had problems getting good gear. I always prefer to run long esters because once every month I have to travel for about a week and I don't feel comfortable traveling with gear.

So because I've never taken anadrol I'd like to know what kind of dose you guys would suggest for these three taken together. Obviously I'll only run the anadrol for the first 4 weeks.

Thanks for any help.

just my opinion brother but if you're running test and tren Anadrol would not be my oral of choice. I have said many times that I can't tolerate tren, I wish I could, but tren and drol are a nasty combo for sides in my experience. if you're short fused at all, don't mix those two,,,,lol,,,,or if you're married and want to stay that way. :)
Teenbolone lol

Yeah also definitely if doing Test and Tren try giving a shot at keeping your Test around the 200mg mark and run the Tren at say 400mg. I know for me and 9/10 people it produces dryer results and drastically reduces sides.
Teenbolone lol

Yeah also definitely if doing Test and Tren try giving a shot at keeping your Test around the 200mg mark and run the Tren at say 400mg. I know for me and 9/10 people it produces dryer results and drastically reduces sides.

So doing a blast while on trt you suggest only 200mg of Test and higher Tren?

Love the new avatar!
Yep, if you blast/cruise and want to run tren, I'd rec. keeping your test as your cruise dose and throwing in tren+water other shit you want to run. Have a look, low test/high tren and see the results people get compared to equal test/tren or higher test.

Yeah she's a stunner... Reminds me of my exs fakies.