Test E with Tbol kickstart


New member
Hey guys.
So this would be my first cycle, I would appreciate any feedback or recommendations. My stats and cycle are as follows.

Age: 23
Height: 5ft 9
Weight: 172 lbs
Training: 3 years

Test E : 500mg for 12 weeks. I will be injecting 250mg twice a week.

Tbol : 60mg ED for first 4 weeks to kick-start cycle and last 4 weeks to solidify gains, 60mg split into 30mg two times a day.

Proviron : 50mg ED throughout cycle

PCT : starting 2 weeks after last injection
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

Also, I have access to an online source and would like to PM one of you to see if you have had experience with this particular source. Any takers?
Im not going to bore you with the usual lecture that comes with these types of posts. You will more than likely just do your cycle anyway so in the interest of helping you not fuck yourself up I offer the following advise.

1. You need HCG. 250iu 3 times a week. Your too young to gamble with permanent shutdown (Unlikely but not impossible)
2. Tbol might not be the best choice first time out the gate, get a liver support and also prepare with creams and soaps for the body acne.
3. You have no AI. Which is stupid or ignorant not sure at this point. Get some Adex (.5mg 3 times a week) or Exemestane (12.5mg a day)

i would strongly advise you not to run this cycle and just focus on eating right and training hard your too light at that weight (unless your under 8%BF) to start AAS. Not everything is instant. To do this right and survive the journey you have to be smart, not impatient.

If you decide to run it anyway look into what I suggested you will thank me later.

1 st timer should start w 1 aas; however as u got it in hand there s probly no stopping you. But at least any mishap s should be e z to counter w an ai...

U gonna run h c g or...?

Anyway I m sure someone else will expand..looks OK. U r young so make the most of this w good diet and rest.

All the best
Nothing has been bought or ordered so adding and subtracting things from my cycle is available. Thanks for the input! As far as a hcg or ai goes, any recommendations for where to buy?
Nothing has been bought or ordered so adding and subtracting things from my cycle is available. Thanks for the input! As far as a hcg or ai goes, any recommendations for where to buy?

Ai You can get from RUI a sponsor on here (red lion) HCG you have to dig a little more but its out there. Ask your AAS source if they are good they should have it or at least be able to point you in the right direction.
Looks like I'll be dropping the tbol from the cycle and just do a straight test cycle. I assume test is better to run during a bulk, but can I run it during a cut? Or would it be more or less a waste of money?
I understand that test is the base for every cycle. I was curious weather or not a test only cycle is better during a bulking diet or cutting diet.
I believe I have found an online source for HCG, but I need some advice. I am new to HCG so this is completely foreign to me at the moment.

1. what are the common names for HCG?
2. run 250iu 3 times per week during cycle and stop after my last pin?
3. what all do I need to run HCG with my cycle? (bacteriostatic water, etc?)
Human Chorionic gonadotropin, every time I've bought it, it was under the name of Provigil.

I've always used 250iu 2x week, but what you suggest should be fine.

BAC water, slin pins and a sterile vial to keep it in after it's mixed. I've always got 5000iu kits, so they last a while at 500iu a week. Suggest mixing 1cc BAC water in with the vial containing the 5000iu powder and then injecting into the sterile vial. Then add 4 more cc's of BAC water so you end up with 1000iu/cc...makes dosing it easy.
Test e 250 mg every 3.5 days weeks 1-12
Adex .25 eod weeks 1-14 * adjust after week 5 bloodwork
HCG 250 iu every 3.5 days weeks 1-12
Nolvadex 40 mg weeks 15-16, 20mg wks 17-18
Clomid 100 mg weeks 15-16, 50 mg weeks 17-18

*if you are sure your tbol is gtg send it to me now for testing.
Here is what my cycle looks like as of now (can still be changed)

Weeks 1-12:
Test E - 500mg/week split up into two 250mg shots
Proviron - 50mg/day throughout cycle
HCG - 750iu/week split up into 3 shots
Arimidex - 1.5mg/week split up into 3 doses

Weeks 14-18:
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
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Why proviron dude. It is still AAS and you need to know how you react to test by its self. Give it 3 weeks to start pct as you will have test in your system.