Test Enanthate 300mg/ml


New member
Alright, so this is going to be my 1st cycle. Don't plan or want to stack anything with it, just wanna run with the Test E for the 1st time and possibly stack in later cycles. I am running a 10 week cycle, from what I have been reading I will probably be upping it to 12 weeks. I am frontloading the 1st 2 weeks at 600mg 2x a week (Tues/Fri). After that, sticking to 1 shot a week at 300mg(not sure if i should sitck to every 4 or 5 days). Plan to start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the 7th week in and have a post cycle therapy (pct) lined up for after.

5'9'' at a lean 178 lbs. 22 yrs. old. have been training on and off since 8th grade. Messed with some pro hormone sups when playing high school ball, such as Tren. Have been training hard for the last 2 yrs. taking nothing but protein and occasionally creatine.

Bench: 225x7 270x1
Squat: 315x6
Deadlift: 315x10
Bent Over Rows: 225x10
Seated Military Press: 135x7

Meal 1: 5 eggs w/ toast and fruit
Meal 2: Homemade burrito w/ eggs, potatoes, sausage, bellpeppers
Meal 3: Chicken Breast w/ rice or potato and veggies
Meal 4: Tuna w/bread
Meal 5(pre-workout): Almond butter and jelly sandwhich w/ protein shake
Meal 6(post): protein and baked potato
Meal 7(dinner): chicken or steak w/ rice and veggies or pasta w/ veggies
Meal 8(b4 bed): cottage cheese w/ yogurt and scoop of protein

Snacks(all day): trail mix, oats, granola/protein bars, jerky, string cheese
Shakes: 2 protein scoops w/ 1 carb load scoop
Vitamins: along with all my regular daily 1s...... Milk Thisle, ACV, Vitamin B5, cranberry pills- all this to help keep down water retention, acne and keep liver clean.

As for my workouts... im doing high intensity with a lot of super sets and nothing below 10 reps. I am going to be a raft guide this summer so have to be able to row fat a$$ families down the river for long distances.

I'll post a layout of my workouts and some current pics of myself soon.

Any critiques, criticism or jut advice at all would be much appreciated
1) I'm a little confused, you're running at 300mg/wk but frontloading (totally unnecessary imo) with 1.2 GRAMS the first week?
2) If you meant you're doing 600mg/wk, please do it in two shots - this helps to reduce hormone spikes which triggers the creation of estrogens to help your body "balance out" it's Test:Estradiol ratio.
3) No mention of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Cranberry pills are not a substitution for an aromatase inhibitor. Please read the sticky on estrogen to understand why this is important.
4) 12 weeks would be best with enanthate, but that's my opinion. ;)
5) Tren isn't a PH btw, it's one of the most powerful AAS - unless you're referring to some pill that calls itself tren. :p (I'd be scared of a 17-aa version of trenbolone.)
6) I still think you're a little on the young side, but unlike the 18 year old kids we get here, I'm not going to blast you for being 22. Just keep in mind that your brain is still developing at this age, so tread carefully.

My .02c :)
My bad. Yea, I meant I would be frontloading the 1st & 2nd week with two shots of 300mg(tuesday/friday) for a total of 600mg a week. Curious though, why is it that you feel it would be unnecessary? Since im only runnin a 10 to 12 week cycle, wouldn't it be more beneficial to have it "kick in" quicker so tht i can start building on it? If not frontloading, would it be better to run injections of 300mg every 4 to 5 days or up the dosage to 500mg once a week? Also, being that it is a shorter cycle, would there be much of a point to to run with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) towards the end or just finish my cycle and start a solid PCT?