Test enanthate elimination time ?


New member
Alright guys so I have a question fr y'all seasoned vets

I have been on a year long blast and cruise of test with some oral a thrown in everey now and then
Blast is 600-800mg test e
Cruise 200-250mg test e

I did my last injection on October 22 and I am doing a break to see where my levels are and also my order took longer and I ran out an was left with no test
Due to poor planning this time

I am doing a pct now and in another month will start another blast and cruise with psl which I have never used

My question is when will all the test e clear my blood? I want to get bkood work that reflects my post blast and cruise result so when should I get the blood wir? I want to make sure all the test is out if my bloo

I have been off since icober 22 and it's nkw November 12 is the test in my blood still?
Alright guys so I have a question fr y'all seasoned vets

I have been on a year long blast and cruise of test with some oral a thrown in everey now and then
Blast is 600-800mg test e
Cruise 200-250mg test e

I did my last injection on October 22 and I am doing a break to see where my levels are and also my order took longer and I ran out an was left with no test
Due to poor planning this time

I am doing a pct now and in another month will start another blast and cruise with psl which I have never used

My question is when will all the test e clear my blood? I want to get bkood work that reflects my post blast and cruise result so when should I get the blood wir? I want to make sure all the test is out if my bloo

I have been off since icober 22 and it's nkw November 12 is the test in my blood still?

Bro, I'm not sure a year fits into the blast category....lol......that's a long blast....:)
It depends if you were blasting or cruising at the end. How much test were you taking when you did your last injection? The time it takes to clear your body is a function of the dosage and half life.

So when did you start PCT? It has only been 3 weeks since your last injection?
Just started pct this week and it really just consists of more adex since
I'm not trying to recover as I plan kf get back on in a month

I'm honestly just curious to see how low my levels are post year long
Blast an cruise I knkw it's pointless an dumb
But since I went three weeks without injecting I figured may as well stay off a month and half since my gear just got here and then let it all clear it and then
Stsrt with my psl Gesr to see how that is

I ended on 250mg a week
Last shot was 250mg on October 22
If I were to get bloods today would it be shown on blood test today
It's November 13?
It was test enanthate
At first I was considering hust staying off or 6 months and seeing how and if I coul recover
But nkw I hve decided to jus self prescribe TRT at 200mg weekly at first after taking a6 week break from my blast and cruise
Once you go on TRT it is usually for life. So this seems like a weird experiment that you are conducting on yourself.

Anyhow, begin PCT about 3 weeks after your last injection. Good luck getting your HPTA restarted. Run labs about 6-8 weeks after your PCT ends. Hopefully you used hCG while on blast/cycle to minimize testicular atrophy.

So basically, plan on being off test for about 3-4 months from now. And stop taking your adex. Your test levels are low so you don't need it.

And remember: Time On + PCT = Time Off. So stay off gear for 14 months before you cycle again -- assuming you get your HPTA working again.
Okay thanks you
And just to answer my question of I were to get blood work today November 13
While my last injection of test e 250mg was on October 22 would my blood work reflect exogenous test in my blood stream?

Would you just give me a plain out answer thays all I'm looking for.
I always respect your advice and vast knowledge but right nkw I would just like a lain out answer
While I do knkw everybody does vary but if you had to make an assumption based on the typical person would you say my blood work would reflect exogenous test in my body or no?
It's been 22 days since last injection
Test e stays in system for 14 days Aprix is this correct?
Thanks you
I understand that TRT is for life
I am considering it becasue I did a stupid year long blast and cruise and am afraid of the fact that I have ruined my hpta and will need it anyway
But after further consideration I will try and at least gve myself a chance to recover and stsrt a proper pct with clomid and nolva

But I still want to get blood work this week or as soon as all the test clears my system to get a number and then get blood work every week just to monitor my levels and recovering
I want to see how low I am now and track my progress just out of curious it's

So like I asked before if I got blood todag 3 weeks after last injection of 250mg would it show that I still have the exogenous test in my body or not?
Okay thanks you
And just to answer my question of I were to get blood work today November 13
While my last injection of test e 250mg was on October 22 would my blood work reflect exogenous test in my blood stream?

Would you just give me a plain out answer thays all I'm looking for.
I always respect your advice and vast knowledge but right nkw I would just like a lain out answer
While I do knkw everybody does vary but if you had to make an assumption based on the typical person would you say my blood work would reflect exogenous test in my body or no?
It's been 22 days since last injection
Test e stays in system for 14 days Aprix is this correct?
Thanks you

Test E stays in your system a lot longer than 14 days. The half life is approximately 10.5 days.

I can't tell you for certain if you have any exogenous test left in you. Too many variables. How much were you aromatizing? How fast were you metabolizing the test? How much muscle do you have? What do you weigh? How long ago was it that you last injected the higher dosage of 800mg? Is your Test E dosed properly? Etc....

There is no simple yes/no answer. You have to use your judgement and make an educated guess.

You will have to get blood work to see what is going on. If you have no LH/FSH and you have TT there is still some exogenous test in you. If you have no LH/FSH and no TT, then you don't have any exogenous or endogenous in you. If you have LH/FSH and TT then you have endogenous in you and likely little to no exogenous in you. But to guess what your current state is now is kind of pointless.

You whole experiment is kind of pointless in my mind. If you want to get off TRT and go back Natty, good for you and I wish you the best of luck. However staying on for a year will make this difficult. If you plan on going back on TRT right after you see if you HPTA can recover, why even bother putting your body through that sort of stress? That would in no way be healthy.

You need to get a better handle on how all this works if you are going to be fucking around with your health like this.
I agree I'm going about this dumb
I'm kinda actually being forced to get blood work log story don't feel like getting into it here
I always get more than an answer usually lots if criticism

So my levles after 3 weeks are gonna be over natty limit or under to clarify I know there's gonna be some test floating around as it has a gradual decline
I basically wants to see f you think my TT will be over 12-1300 or so after three weeks if last shot
I agree I'm going about this dumb
I'm kinda actually being forced to get blood work log story don't feel like getting into it here
I always get more than an answer usually lots if criticism

So my levles after 3 weeks are gonna be over natty limit or under to clarify I know there's gonna be some test floating around as it has a gradual decline
I basically wants to see f you think my TT will be over 12-1300 or so after three weeks if last shot

What do you think based on the information that has been given to you?
Well before I read that it is active for 14 days after injection give or take with half life of 5-7
But now after I discovered the link another member shared with me, it seems that the longer your on it builds up and stays in blood longer than this .so not really sure kinda lost
So based on my discoveries if I did a smart 12 weeks cyle my levles would be low by nkw but after a year I figure my levles are at 800ish although I don't feel too well
I have been tired and lower libido but not super miserable like some guys have warned me about after coming off a year long cycle
But I don't feel like my levles are high
I don't know where 250mg a week put your TT, but odds are that you were below 1200ng/dl one week after your last injection if I has been a while since your last 800mg injection.

Anecdotally, I drop about 100 points from my peak TT every day that passes.
Okay that is very helpful and yes I know this was a very difficult answer
With no clear cut answer. Escpecually since I don't have a recent blood test
Last time on blast at 800mg I was at 2300 and at 250 if I can recall correctly 1300 or somewhere just over 1200. THank you megaton always a huge help with your knowledge is invaluable you are for sure one of the most knowledgable guys on here

Do you happen to have a medical profession or background? Or just done some very thorough studying in the topic. Ican tell you have your shit together in life haha thanks again

I got the blood test done today just the test I did not go with the one you suggest but I have in the past and prefer that one
Okay that is very helpful and yes I know this was a very difficult answer
With no clear cut answer. Escpecually since I don't have a recent blood test
Last time on blast at 800mg I was at 2300 and at 250 if I can recall correctly 1300 or somewhere just over 1200. THank you megaton always a huge help with your knowledge is invaluable you are for sure one of the most knowledgable guys on here

Do you happen to have a medical profession or background? Or just done some very thorough studying in the topic. Ican tell you have your shit together in life haha thanks again

I got the blood test done today just the test I did not go with the one you suggest but I have in the past and prefer that one

TT of 2300ng/dl on 800mg of test per week? That is some severely underdosed gear indeed.

I am not in the medical profession but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.