Alright guys so I have a question fr y'all seasoned vets
I have been on a year long blast and cruise of test with some oral a thrown in everey now and then
Blast is 600-800mg test e
Cruise 200-250mg test e
I did my last injection on October 22 and I am doing a break to see where my levels are and also my order took longer and I ran out an was left with no test
Due to poor planning this time
I am doing a pct now and in another month will start another blast and cruise with psl which I have never used
My question is when will all the test e clear my blood? I want to get bkood work that reflects my post blast and cruise result so when should I get the blood wir? I want to make sure all the test is out if my bloo
I have been off since icober 22 and it's nkw November 12 is the test in my blood still?
I have been on a year long blast and cruise of test with some oral a thrown in everey now and then
Blast is 600-800mg test e
Cruise 200-250mg test e
I did my last injection on October 22 and I am doing a break to see where my levels are and also my order took longer and I ran out an was left with no test
Due to poor planning this time
I am doing a pct now and in another month will start another blast and cruise with psl which I have never used
My question is when will all the test e clear my blood? I want to get bkood work that reflects my post blast and cruise result so when should I get the blood wir? I want to make sure all the test is out if my bloo
I have been off since icober 22 and it's nkw November 12 is the test in my blood still?