Test filtering - after filtering, grapeseed oil seems cloudy with appearance of milk.


New member
I use a all-glass filter holders with 0.2 micron nylon membrane. I don't remember how much pressure i used. But after filtered 200 ml of oil i realize that it seems milk cloud.
I don't know what is the problem.
Maybe is necessary rinse de membrane before use.
Maybe i used much pressure on filtering.

i had this happen to me and im wondering if it is a reason as to why a batch i made is giving serious PIP... the cloudyness on mine went away after a couple of minutes though...
I use a all-glass filter holders with 0.2 micron nylon membrane. I don't remember how much pressure i used. But after filtered 200 ml of oil i realize that it seems milk cloud.
I don't know what is the problem.
Maybe is necessary rinse de membrane before use.
Maybe i used much pressure on filtering.

Hey mate,

It sounds like you're having a similar problem as this member here. Check this thread out. I posted some solutions to it:

