test from synovex


From the Infernos of Hell
ive got some questions about making test from synovex.
1) how good is the test that you get from the synovex, is it pretty good quality and worth the trouble?
2) what kind of test is it? ive been doing my research and i know that there is 200mgs of test prop in each dosage of synovex, but i read somewhere on the internet that during the conversion your test turns into more of a test suspesion. is there any truth to this?
3) if correctly converted is it possible to get rid of all the estrodial in your final product?
4) lastly, i have a kit from universalkits and i was wondering if anyone can post some better instructions. plus i was trying to figure out when you filter the mixture of methenol through the coffee filter is it the liquid in the jar you keep or what is left in the filter.
if any of this is elementary i appoligize, first time ever trying this and i wanna get it right.
Unless I misunderstand, and perhaps I do, the conversion kits are for tren pellets, not testosterone.
s-type kits are for synovex from what ive been told, isnt that true???
correst me if im wrong
Killin said:
s-type kits are for synovex from what ive been told, isnt that true???
correst me if im wrong
yeah u're right. Stype.
almost all the estradiol can be taken out if rinsed enough w/distilled water(at least any amount that would matter can be taken out) the instructions that come w/it are fine its NOT that complecated. RINSE RINSE RINSE FILTER FILTER FILTER Keep what is IN the filter DRY(helps to dry in oven at 150-175degrees till TOTALLY dry) then put in solution
what u get is test prop use syno H pellets