New member
New to the whole online community but definitely not new to cycling. Just thought id give this a shot to see what other people think of this cycle along with reviewing a new UG lab i've encountered since my last one went to shit. Many good things ive heard from close friends so i had to see for myself.
Sent my payment and got my shit within 4 days. (US Domestic) Even got a free vial of Test E and Mast E on top of my order which cause me to extend my cycle from 12 to 15 weeks. hehe. >=] so you can say this guys is on a role. Customer service is unbeatable, he replies quickly to any questions you have. Now to the cycle.
Weeks 1-15:
Test E @ 500mg/wk and Mast E @600mg/wk
I will be running Clen 2 wks on/2wks off throughout this period
Arimadex 12.5mg EOD (Bumping up and down if needed)
Weeks 8-16:
HCG (500iu's @ 2x/wk)
Tren Ace @ 50mg ED
Prami on hand (will be tapering up to .5mg for preventive measures then i will start tapering down after my last shot of tren)
**This is my first time with tren which is why i decided to use acetate so if side get uncontrollable i can ease off pretty quick. THE 16th WEEK I WILL BE SHOOTING TIL THE 4TH DAY ONLY then PCT will commence 2 days after so timing between the test and mast enanthate and tren ace into PCT will be close.
PCT weeks 17-21 (5 weeks)
Nolva 40mg (week 17-18) 20mg(19-21)
Clomid 100mg (17-18) 50mg(19-21)
Aromasin 25mg(17-18) 12.5mg(19-20)
Sent my payment and got my shit within 4 days. (US Domestic) Even got a free vial of Test E and Mast E on top of my order which cause me to extend my cycle from 12 to 15 weeks. hehe. >=] so you can say this guys is on a role. Customer service is unbeatable, he replies quickly to any questions you have. Now to the cycle.
Weeks 1-15:
Test E @ 500mg/wk and Mast E @600mg/wk
I will be running Clen 2 wks on/2wks off throughout this period
Arimadex 12.5mg EOD (Bumping up and down if needed)
Weeks 8-16:
HCG (500iu's @ 2x/wk)
Tren Ace @ 50mg ED
Prami on hand (will be tapering up to .5mg for preventive measures then i will start tapering down after my last shot of tren)
**This is my first time with tren which is why i decided to use acetate so if side get uncontrollable i can ease off pretty quick. THE 16th WEEK I WILL BE SHOOTING TIL THE 4TH DAY ONLY then PCT will commence 2 days after so timing between the test and mast enanthate and tren ace into PCT will be close.
PCT weeks 17-21 (5 weeks)
Nolva 40mg (week 17-18) 20mg(19-21)
Clomid 100mg (17-18) 50mg(19-21)
Aromasin 25mg(17-18) 12.5mg(19-20)
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