Test/Mast/Tren/Clen Cycle! 15 weeks. Will be updating to review quality of UG lab.


New member
New to the whole online community but definitely not new to cycling. Just thought id give this a shot to see what other people think of this cycle along with reviewing a new UG lab i've encountered since my last one went to shit. Many good things ive heard from close friends so i had to see for myself.

Sent my payment and got my shit within 4 days. (US Domestic) Even got a free vial of Test E and Mast E on top of my order which cause me to extend my cycle from 12 to 15 weeks. hehe. >=] so you can say this guys is on a role. Customer service is unbeatable, he replies quickly to any questions you have. Now to the cycle.

Weeks 1-15:
Test E @ 500mg/wk and Mast E @600mg/wk
I will be running Clen 2 wks on/2wks off throughout this period
Arimadex 12.5mg EOD (Bumping up and down if needed)

Weeks 8-16:
HCG (500iu's @ 2x/wk)
Tren Ace @ 50mg ED
Prami on hand (will be tapering up to .5mg for preventive measures then i will start tapering down after my last shot of tren)
**This is my first time with tren which is why i decided to use acetate so if side get uncontrollable i can ease off pretty quick. THE 16th WEEK I WILL BE SHOOTING TIL THE 4TH DAY ONLY then PCT will commence 2 days after so timing between the test and mast enanthate and tren ace into PCT will be close.

PCT weeks 17-21 (5 weeks)
Nolva 40mg (week 17-18) 20mg(19-21)
Clomid 100mg (17-18) 50mg(19-21)
Aromasin 25mg(17-18) 12.5mg(19-20)
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Is this a sales pitch or a cycle layout? Kinda strange to join the forum talking about your source...then offering to give it out to anyone that PMs you...

The arimidex is a lil low for a starting point. Usual protocol is .25mg EOD but you prolly have experience in this area like you mentioned.

Why not run the HCG from the start of the cycle? Makes no sense to let atrophy begin only to begin to reverse it. You can also run it up till 4 days out from start of PCT.

You need 2 weeks after last shot of test e to clear before starting PCT. Move the start of PCT up to week 18. No need for the frontload of clomid and nolva on 2nd weeks of PCT. Also aromasin is not normally used in PCT protocols. I've seen it specifically from Bill Roberts I think but don't subscribe to it
Well not sure how thats strange but sure ill edit that out, figured id help a bro out for hookin me up by givin him some business but i guess i could just let the curiosity of other members ask instead of me offering. This is actually my first time being part of the whole online forum community, i usually have a group of close friends that i talk to about cycle suggestions.

HCG Question:
Mainly because i am short a vial of hcg, i usually run it about starting week 2 or 3 to wait for the enanthates to kick in but in this case i was gonna wait it out a little longer then since i got the two extra vials i sent it farther out. If i did have the supplies i'd definitely run it from week 2 but i dont think it'll make that much of a difference with this dosage.

I will definitely do that, as far as aromasin i've experienced past PCT without it and i feel like i recover faster with it, just my from experience so since i have a lot left over from my last cycle i figured why not?

I'll take off that whole source BS since i more here just for suggestions of others, just thought id be a nice guy about it.
Week 2:
I'm definitely starting to feel it kick in. Strength and recovery time are starting to come up. Just worked out chest the other day and reps are up at 245lbs with 40lb resistance bands for ten on my 4th set, use to only be able to get it up 6 or 7 times. Also was able to bust out 4 sets of 5 on dips with 3 45 plates on the belt after 2 sets of warmups with 2 45 plates. Deadlifts are also up at 435 for reps. The pumps are getting insane along with vascularity. I feel like ive lost bodyfat but its kind of not surprising as my diet is clean(about 2800cal) with about 1 cheat meal since I started. I hate cardio but ive been keeping it at 3x a week (3.4 mile run up and down hill). Its pretty awesome to lose bodyfat and get stronger. Really looking forward to see what week 4 or 5 is going to be like.

Not much really, just a little irritated here and there and some lethargy. Other than that im good to go.

I forgot to post my stats earlier:
Weight: 198
bf%: 14ish
height: 5'11"
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Today was pin 5:
Took a rest day today. I ended up splurging this weekend on my diet and now im feeling guilty. I finally got my Taurine and Potassium in so i started the Clen on Saturday. I also weighed myself last night after the gym and i weighed in at 201.7(+3.7lbs). Since im noticing more fat loss i assume this is mostly water than anything. Tomorrow is another morning run, then leg day in the evening. Does anyone have anytips on sleeping in? I usually wakeup after 6 hours of sleep and id like to get more but i still have my automatic alarm clock from being in the military for so long. I currently take 10mg of melatonin before bed. Any advice helps!