Test Mast Var cycle????????

Looking for some thoughts on a Test Mast Var cycle. Any advice or opinions would be appreciated.

Hmmmm, sounds like someone is looking to cut body fat. Age, stats, lifting experience, cycle history, cute sister's phone number please. :D
31 years old. 5'11'' 210 pds. Been lifting since middle school. 5 cycles under my belt. Nothing very hard core. Last cycle was 250 test e 300 tren e 2x week. Not a big fan of tren, made me moody, and got a lil case of tren dick towards the end. Rather not deal with that again.
31 years old. 5'11'' 210 pds. Been lifting since middle school. 5 cycles under my belt. Nothing very hard core. Last cycle was 250 test e 300 tren e 2x week. Not a big fan of tren, made me moody, and got a lil case of tren dick towards the end. Rather not deal with that again.

So is this for a cut then?

Those three compounds will work fine together, I usually have a 19-nor in there too, but not necessary. If you got tren dick previously, what was your AI dose? Probably want to adjust that this time around. Masteron is awesome in many ways, but it doesn't do anything for estradiol and should be run at 500mg/wk+ imo.
So is this for a cut then?

Those three compounds will work fine together, I usually have a 19-nor in there too, but not necessary. If you got tren dick previously, what was your AI dose? Probably want to adjust that this time around. Masteron is awesome in many ways, but it doesn't do anything for estradiol and should be run at 500mg/wk+ imo.

I was running .5 dex eod. Not familiar with 19-nor? And tren dick didn't happen till the end. Wasn't pushing rope, but it wasn't the same as normal.
I was running .5 dex eod. Not familiar with 19-nor? And tren dick didn't happen till the end. Wasn't pushing rope, but it wasn't the same as normal.

19-nor is just the family that trenbolone and nandrolone belong to; it's just short for 19-nortestosterone. You just might be one of the "lucky" ones and be really sensitive to prolactin - which a dopamine agonist will help with if you ever decide to run it again in the future.

I would definitely get blood work 5 weeks in to make sure you're looking good, and that your AI is being dosed properly. Overall, it's a pretty good stack though. :)