Test/Masteron Cycle Advice


CPT & Nutritionist
Its been a minute since Ive been on the forums. I'm thinking of running a 10wk Test Prop and Drostanolone Prop cycle. Pinning EOD. I wanted to get peoples advice on dosage of the mast as it will be my first time using it. A little background on me. 33 6'2 230lbs. 12.8% BF. Past cycles have been TestE500, TestC500/EQ600, Sust600/Deca300 always 12-14wks. That being said it has been a few years since ive cycled anything but OTC proho's. Would that time off maybe make a straight Test cycle just as beneficial? Also the last time I pinned it was testP and had enormous pain from the first stick and that was also the last. New UGL supplier but should I expect the same issue using Prop of any kind? If so are there drawbacks to using TestE with MastP? Finally, thoughts on the need for AI during if I'm using Mast? A lot of questions, I know, but always enjoyed picking the brains of all you vets.
You can extend your cycle by a few weeks and use test e instead. Prop is pretty known to have a bite unless you find a supplier that makes some that is smooth. Not too many out there.

Mast is not an ai and should not be used as one. You will need to use an ai regardless of the dose of mast. If you needed an ai on 500mgs of test, it would not change just because you're using mast. Typically mast is used @600mgs per week.
I agree with all of what Tbone said here.

I will never u understated where people think that is one compound like Mast does not aromatize , why they think it will keep another compound from aromatizing. Test will be doing it's thing no mater what other steroid you take with it.

An Ai works to in inhibit the Estrogen rise, ergo controlling level of Estrogen and avoiding the MANY unwanted side effects of high estrogen in men.

Welcome to the top side of the forum, good to read your post :wavey:
just to set a few things straight.. you should always have an AI no matter what compound you are running because many times, unless its pharmaceutical, whatever it is you are pinning is not actually what the label says. just to be safe, have it. bitch tits, limp dick, and oily skin is not a good look.

masteron is not an AI it simply has AI properties but not nearly powerful enough to keep your e2 in check when the testosterone in your body is over 5 times what it should be.

personally, long ester testosterones bloats me if i go over like 200-250mg regardless of my e2 being in good range. thats just me.. some guys stay dry as a bone on 700mg of test e, i just cant. i would go with test prop. my favorite.

finally, what is your overall goal from this cycle? if you are cutting i think you should wait to use masteron until you approach the 10% bodyfat range. thats what i just did. about a week ago i hit 10% and threw in masteron prop @ 525mg a week alongside 525mg test prop and i am feeling great. i plan on cutting until i hit 7-8% about and then maintain that for the rest of the summer. you won't see masteron fully working while using it at your bodyfat and its just kind of a waste.
Thanks for the responses gents. So I actually had read about using Masteron as an AI on muscletalk.co.uk under its steroid profile. Good to rule out certain sites as unreliable. Yes the idea would be to cut as I just finished a bulk a little late in the year. So as far as a dose, assuming I get my bf down a couple percent, I would need around 525-600wk? Now if I was to use TestE with MastP when would be the best time to start the Mast? Thanks again for all the info guys. Greatly appreciated.