test only cycles

I've gotten the best results as far as pure mass from Tren. The drawback, however, was that my blood pressure went WAY up and I got nosebleeds all the time. I just finished my first cycle with Test and I saw mild results... I was taking 10 weeks of enanthate with no sides till I bumped the dosage at the end. Then I started noticing hair loss and some truly horrible back/chest/shoulder acne. I'm thinking that if I do another cycle it'll be with low doses of tren, EQ, and either Winstrol (winny) or Var.

- Judoman
staybig said:
i read the profile of tren but i really won't to know how does it affect you on gains??????
Tren gives me insane pumps, seems to induce a mild fat loss affect without change in diet, makes me also seemingly retain less water, and gives an awesome increase in strentgh. And the stronger you are, the more weight you push, the more growth you get.
If you can still grow off AAS, (and I don't know anyone big enough that needs slin or GH) you can still grow off test IMO. If you want to stick to test only cycles, do it, save money, and if you do everything right you will get very similar results to those using multiple compounds. The reason most of us do multi compound cycles is to try diff stuff, and b/c you have to increase doses as you get bigger, and most guys probably aren't keen on the risks and sides of running much more than a gram of test a week.

And maybe in a few cycles you'll want to throw in a little bit of tren. :D
I think it's a great idea to stick to test only cycles, for a while when you're just starting out at least.

I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to just do test only cycles for a while....I would have saved a good bit of money and probably be the same size or bigger by now.
if i took one more test only cycle this would be my 3rd cycle of test only in all of my cycle put together this would be my 6th cycle to do
During the last 5 years or so I have done and tried just about every combo their is. I can still gain plenty on a test only cycle, and as a matter of fact most of the cycles I have done in the past have been test only. I did not start adding different kinds of gear untill the last couple of years.
Damn.....why did I start to add things to my cycle? This is kinda going to be a complicated answer.

I like to keep enanthate as a base for every cycle. I dont like to front load so I usually kick things off with something like dboll or drol. Now thats not to say that frontloading does not work, because it does. I just seem to catch more sides when I frontload. Usually I will run enanthate throughout and finish up with winstrol and prop at the end. As I said before, I can gain just fine on a test only cycle but sometimes 'just fine' isn't good enough for me. I have figured out what works best for me, and I try to stick with that.
All I do are test cycle's I mean dont get me wrong I love d-bol but now for me I just stick with the test....and yes I grow with test only.........
I have done 2 test only cycles and have had good results with out complications, except some shoulder acne. No complaints.
well my first cycle was of dbol and test enth i came very close to gettiing gyno so i will never use dbol again and for my stomach dbol really fuck it up good another reason well i guess i will try some test and tren and slin to see what happen i will keep yall up data on my progress .
question is any body on this board do the same cycle with test and tren and insulin if so tell me what results are you getting please????