test-p ED @150mg test only cycle for 6 weeks


New member
I have done a few cycles over the last decade plus, but always stacked several compounds and esters. I haven't messed around with AAS for a couple years. A friend of mine hooked me up with several bottles of test-p. I have been hitting 150mg/day(started 3 days ago). I will be on ancillaries in a week or so and finish with pct. My question is, is 150/ed gtg? A bit much? I want to just stick with T this time around. 5'7" 205 I know my shit with diet and training well enough. Just curious about the aas dosing. Cheers
1g/wk isn't an unheard of amount of test if you're using an AI and watching your BP etc...no issues with it other than the annoyance of pinning just test ED for me

Like HW said it's a bit short, I'd say do at least 8 weeks if you can...
Thanks gents. I'll try and get another bottle or three. Haha. I really like test p and don't mind pinning ED. Just rotate glutes and shoulders. Never cycled test only and was wanting to give it a try, but don't see the point in eod if I'm only using one compound. I briefly considered adding tren, but want to "test", test. I have a decent base and I am a fairly quick gainer. I'll post an update every couple weeks. Fortis end Arduis men
Thanks gents. I'll try and get another bottle or three. Haha. I really like test p and don't mind pinning ED. Just rotate glutes and shoulders. Never cycled test only and was wanting to give it a try, but don't see the point in eod if I'm only using one compound. I briefly considered adding tren, but want to "test", test. I have a decent base and I am a fairly quick gainer. I'll post an update every couple weeks. Fortis end Arduis men

I would want more than two sites for ED pinning. Try quads and Ventroglutes.
2 glutes 2 quads. 4 sites If I need to I'll throw quads into the rotation. I dont anticipate 1cc per site every 4th day being an issue. I have some residual scar tissue in my thighs, so I wanted to avoid them. Plus I already work legs into every training. Legs and back make for gladiator growth
I initially thought I might try a short cycle. I read that your HTPA balances back nicely, and that most gains are within the first 4-6 weeks anyway. After some further thought though, I think I will run 8.
I think, that it is better to stack many AAS with small dose and get minor side effects than hit one compound and get one type of huge side effect.
Just getting into my 2nd bottle! Only side effects are getting fuckin swole. May be a bit more aggressive. Up 10lbs already. I have to go get some bigger shirts. Hah! 1.05gm/week works like magic. I am going to add winny for the last 6wks 50mg/day split up in two doses am/pm.
Just getting into my 2nd bottle! Only side effects are getting fuckin swole. May be a bit more aggressive. Up 10lbs already. I have to go get some bigger shirts. Hah! 1.05gm/week works like magic. I am going to add winny for the last 6wks 50mg/day split up in two doses am/pm.

Why winstrol? What did your poor little joints ever do to piss you off? :p Only asking as stanzolol has a pretty specific use, and you were going to go test only I thought?