Test P/TBol/NPP


New member
This is my 5th cycle. The cycle lay out is going to be pretty simple, Test/TBol for 6 weeks and then Test/NPP for the remainder of the cycle.

Cycle layout looks something like:
Week 1: Test P 300mg EOD
Weeks 1-14: Test P 200mg EOD
Weeks 1-6: TBol 60mg/day
Weeks 7-14: NPP 125mg EOD
Weeks 2-14: HCG 250iu e3d

My goals are pretty simple as well... I want to gain some quality muscle mass, lean out slightly, and most importantly get as strong as possible. With that being said, my training is pretty Powerlifting oriented, with a lot of heavy benching and other heavy compound movements. I'm currently not Deadlifting or Squatting heavy right now because I hurt my back pretty good a little while back and it's on the mend. I'm going to begin to Deadlift in a couple weeks but won't be doing both Deads and Squats.

My current split looks something like:
Day 1: Back, Bis
Day 2: Legs, Abs
Day 3: Heavy Bench

I try to train 3-4 days a week and take days off when I see fit. I'm kind of a realist and understand that in many situations I can't train at the exact time/day that I want so I make it work.

My current stats are 6'4, 240lbs, ~14%bf.

I can touch and go with 315 on the bench and I have successfully Deadlifted 550 and Squatted 475 when my back was 100%. I'd like to come near 405 on the bench at the end of this cycle (5lbs/wk for 14 weeks should be attainable).

I don't eat as many calories as one would assume with my size considered because I live a pretty sedentary life. My job has me sitting at a desk for a good portion of the day (60-80% of the time depending on the day of the week), so I make a conscious effort to eat clean and every 3 hours or so. I'm going to shoot for 4k calories a day in order to gain that muscle mass I'm looking for and at the same time minimize body fat gains.

If you have any other questions let me know. I'm hear to share my experiences and help everyone learn as much as possible.
Day 1 - First Training Session with TBol

300mg Test Prop
60mg TBol

Back/Bis 1/11/2009

Pull Ups bw/5 x 3
One Arm Rows 100/10, 110/10, 125/10
HS Hi-Lo Rows 2.5p/12, 10
Underhand Lat Pull Downs 150/10, 8

Hammer Curls 45/10, 55/8
Spider Curls 50/10, 10
One Arm Cable Preacher 40/10, 10

*felt pretty good but was kinda tired from a long day at work... Pump was very very strong.
Day 2 - Nothing to Report


60mg TBol

*Nothing exciting to report other than the fact that I worked for 12 hours lol
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Day 3 - Work is Too Time Consuming

300mg Test Prop
60mg TBol

*I was supposed to have a day off today from work but things happened and I had to come in for another long day...
Glad to see you running another log. Have you used Tbol or NPP before? What brand of gear?
Glad to see you running another log. Have you used Tbol or NPP before? What brand of gear?

I'm always trying to post as much as I can... These logs keep me regimented; I'm glad they are worth keeping.

I've never used TBol or NPP, so it should be very interesting for me. Generally, I don't recommend running more than one new compound in a cycle but because I'm running them separately it's not something I'm too worried about.

Test was made in my kitchen.
TBol was capped in my living room.
NPP is A x i o.
Day 4 - Legs/Abs

Legs/Abs 1/14/2010

Leg Press 6p/8, 8p/5, 8p/20
Good Mornings 135/5, 185/5, 205/5
Standing HS Leg Curl 35/15 x 3
Standing Calf Raises 155/8, 115/8 (DC tempo)

Roman Chair Leg Raises bw/15 x 2
Decline Ab Crunches bw/15 x 2

*caught a nice case of the Test flu today... felt like shit all day but had a pretty productive training session
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Day 5 - Heavy Bench

300mg Test Prop
60mg TBol

Push Training 1/15/2010

Bench Press 225/2, 250/1, 275/1, 300/1, 325/1, 225/12
Shoulder Press 135/12, 10, 10
JM Presses 135/5, 135/5, 145/5
One Arm Overhead Rope Press 40/15, 15, 13

*I felt pretty strong today. The training session was bright and early in the morning because I was trying to "get it out of the way" on my day off, so my energy was a little bit down. My benching technique felt very good and I made sure I used a nice big arch, kept my elbows tucked, and kept the path the bar traveled very short.

Weight: 243lbs (+3lbs)
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Days 6 and 7 -OFF

Day 6 - 1/16/2010

60mg TBol

Day 7 - 1/17/2010

225mg Test Prop
60mg TBol

*going to be running 225mg of Test Prop EOD going forward. When I begin the NPP, I may have to go to ED injections because I don't know how much more volume my muscles can take.
Day 8 - Back/Bis

60mg TBol

Back/Bis - 1/18/2010

Lat Pull Downs 185/8, 210/8, 210/12
HS Hi-Lo Rows 2/5p/10, 3p/8, 3p/15
Deadlifts 225/5 x 3
Kroc Rows 100's/20

4 sets of bicep work...

*I definitely had a good training session for being COMPLETELY beat after a long drawn out day at work. Nothing went right at work and I accomplished next to nothing. Deadlifts felt good, kept them light and my form as perfect as possible.

Weight: 248lbs (+8lbs)
*it's amazing what 1000mg of Test, some crap food, and a couple beers can do in a couple days.
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fantastic cycle man, i really like it. but lord, 300mgs test p would put me in the hospital for a wk. i know you don't have any problem with that stuff, but it reeks havoc on my injection site. also glad to see your boss is allowing you to post again :)
Day 12 - Heavy Bench

60mg TBol

Heavy Bench - 1/22/2010

Flat Bench 225/2, 275/1, 315/1, 330/1(w/ a little spot)
HS Military Press 70(side)/12, 80/12, 90/12
CGBP w/ bands 135/10, 155/10, 175/7, 135/10
Push Downs 120/15, 140/15, 160/12

*Felt pretty good. Decided to train bench press because my right leg felt like lead and I knew I wasn't going to be able to have a productive training session.
*Good progress on locking out the bench press but now off the chest needs some work.
npp is great man good luck, im in love with the compound.
Hell Yea Milk sorry about your jets tonight but they had a great yr under Rex Ryan former Bmore coordinator.

I like the cycle. 1000mg's of test is sweet! I always find I need the cal's to make the extra test work, anxious to see if thats the case for you.
Hell Yea Milk sorry about your jets tonight but they had a great yr under Rex Ryan former Bmore coordinator.

I like the cycle. 1000mg's of test is sweet! I always find I need the cal's to make the extra test work, anxious to see if thats the case for you.

Yeah it was a tough loss. What can you do...

I "frontloaded" with 1000mg/wk but now I'm down to a more manageable 700mg/wk which has been treating me wonderfully.

Eating more is always great and Test makes me soo hungry it's not even funny.
Days 13-14

Day 13 - 1/23/2010

60mg TBol
225mg Test Prop

No Training

Day 14 - 1/24/2010

60mg TBol


Leg Press 2p/15 --> 8p/15
Box Squats 135/6, 155/6, 185/6
Lying Leg Curls 100/15, 110/15, 120/12

*feel like I must have done something else, but for some reason I can't remember what lol