Test prop masteron prop cycle

French cancan

New member
Hello guys

Stats 38 yo, 6'2, 205lbs, 18% bf, 4 years of traing in a row (6 total), 1 cycle of t400.

Ok I want to cycle 130ml test prop and 70 ml of mast prop EOD for 8 weeks. I want to lower my bf while staying at 200lb. I love to throw some T3 to burn fat. What is your advise/recommandation?

Ps I really don't want to use tren, winny or NPP, as I don't have good source in canada...
You mean milligram instead of ML right? I would definitely get my body fat down a little more before I used anything. A huge factor in bodybuilding is diet.
Ya drop your bodyfat down man, you wont see much of the hardening effects of the mast at 18%. At 15% youll see them despite what some people will tell you, but 12% or less is optimal.

Those doses are high enough either, no mention of an AI or SERM either or PCT?
Yes of course pct nolva 40-40-20-20, clomid 100-100-50-50. It was my last cycle pct and worked like a charm.

But guys please, I asked a very specific question about T3. It could be clen as well. I'm very much aware of diet aspect, I just came back form 2 month in France, bad for bf...

So T3 or clen recommended in cycle? Advise? Dosage?