Test Prop Syringe Question...


New member
I have test prop 200mgs/ml. i bought some syringes and ther 3ml 21G 1half. any idea if i can use this type of syringe for the test propionate i have? and someone told me to use EO...and i dont know what that is...so please somone tell me thank you.
21 is pretty big man, 23 is the biggest Ive ever pinned with, you can certainly use it tho. About the EO, I said that prop at 200mg/mL has to have EO in it if it is real. EO is a solvent/carrier used in place of oil so products can be dosed higher than normal. Some people have severe allergic reactions to EO so you might want to pin just a small amount to see if it affects you.
Woohoo 21g... I use 22g 1.5' for glutes and 22 or 23g 1" for everything else. Yes you can use them but for prop (ie EoD inj) thats gonna leave a lot of big holes, have fun with those 21s. :D
So your saying if there is no EO in the test prop that means its fake...?, and how would i know if there is EO in it??. and i wouldnt know if im not allergic to it. so explain that to me please. thank you.
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EO is ethyl oleate. Prop cannot be made at 200mg/mL with BA and BB alone, it will crash. The brewer must use EO or maybe even guiacol, but most likely EO. EO based products are generally a little clearer, less color to them, and they are thinner than oil based products.
So your saying the test i have there should EO in the bottle it self because its 200mg/ml is that correct? and the color of the test in the bottle should be a little clearer and less color to them and usually they should be thinner then oil? im i lost...or what im saying is correct??
Right. If there is no EO in the bottle then your product either has less hormone in it than the label says, or it is fake. Prop WILL crash if you try to make it @ 200 with just oil, bb, and ba. All you can do now is start pinning it and see what happens bro. Good luck!
Definitely should have the EO in there or else that stuff is gonna hurt like a bitch brother, I know it does disolve much more powder then sesame does.. makes overdosed stuff have much less bite while pinning IMO
im gonna start that shit tom or after tom. but im gonna wait and see if the reaction of EO is gonna ffect me.., as you said some people are allergic to that shit. and the question i have for you is.., i should take 1 injection and wait 2 - 3 days to see if im allergic from the EO right?
If you're allergic you should probably experience adverse effects within 2-3 days. I know when I used an EO based product I had pretty severe swelling the next day.
so if i dont experience any reactions from the EO that means there might be no EO in the Product or that im not allergic to EO. and i dont think ther is another way of finding out thr is EO in my test is there?
U can either have it lab tested, which is almost impossible these days...or you can start pinning it. If you don't wanna hump pretty much every chica in sight within 14 days then I'd guess you have bunk gear.
I am currently doing a 10 week cyc of test prop. I am a lean guy so I am using 25g. 5/8 in quads and delts and 1 inch in glutes. I am self injecting and with the thinner pin I dont even feel it. It takes a little longer to get the prop in but I will take that trade off. Good luck