Test Tren ace Eq 3rd cycle: Help

Run thia cycle

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Hey Friends,*
I am looking for advise for my 3rd cycle. First past history -
* Lifting from past 8 years. Started taking supplements from 5 years.*
* Currently 5' 11''.. weight 80 Kg, 180 pounds. 11.5% bf. Age 29. Turning 30.
* First cycle in Feb 2011 . 10 weeks 400 mg Test and 250 mg deca. Majorly Bulking and cutting in end. Gained decent size. Side effects: Moon face and Acne on back and shoulder. No hairloss from cycle though I am prone to hair loss.
* Second cycle in Sep 2012. 500 mg Test E 13 weeks. Mainly cutting. Gained lean muscles while cutting bf from 11% to 7.5%. Side effects: Severe Acne but mainly on upper back and hands. Very emotional days in PCT and after. No hairloss or major moonface.*
Had AC shoulder injury in April 2013. So left away from lifting for long. Lost all gains. *Now lifting light. Still not 100% comfortable.*
Now planning to run 3rd cycle. Aim is to make lean gains while cutting fat to 8%.
++My plan++
Week 1-5 - Sustanon 500 mg a week with front loading 500 mg in first shot.
Week 6-12 - Test E 250 mg a week.
Week 1-4 Anadrol or Dbol. Advise?*
Week 1-10 Equipoise 400 mg a week or Deca 250 mg a week. Mainly for shoulder healing and some anabolism.
Week 6-10 Tren A 75 mg. Every other day. cabergoline 1 mg a week. Advise?*
I will be running Glucosamine Chon. MSM and Fish oil 3 mg for joints.
Liv 52 and Vit E, Pottassium, Chromium along the cycle.
Arimidex 0.25 mg everday from week 2 till PCT.
PCT: 17 days after last shot. Clomid, Nolvadex for 4 weeks. Would like to get advise on dosage.*
PCT additional: Tribulus, Ginseng, creatine and D Aspartic Acid after PCT.
Also, would like to get advise on usage of HCG for the cycle.*Dosage?

All expert info on cycle are welcome.. Thanks a lot.
I ran a very similar cycle to this for my comp prep but it was longer.

Don't switch from sustanon to Test E mid cycle because of the different esters and the gap of sustanon's half life, and test e's blood level peak. Might cause Gyno.

Defiantly not enough time for eq to kick in. I have ran it for 10 weeks but it's not worth it especially at 400mg. Grab npp instead if you're only gonna cycle for 10 weeks

If i were u i would do

1-12 weeks Sustanon @ 500
1-12 weeks npp @ 400 split 200 monday/200 thursday
1-4 weeks 50mg anadrol

HCG: twice a week from week 3-12 @ 500/week

Save the tren save the tren for another cycle

Clomid: 3 weeks after last susta shot 100/100/50/50
Nolva: 20 everyday for 45 days
Dont run Anadrol you first cycle back from a shoulder injury. All it will do is temp you to lift heavier. I'd go light in your first run back bro. Get solid. Work on shaking off some rust. Get those joints and tendons back in shape. See how your shoulder feels and build it back up slowly. Maybe consider doing a run of TB500 before you jump back into AAS, to ensure your shoulder is healed.

You should check out JimiThing log TB500 from Rui-Products. Here it is:

If you're gonna go on blast, I agree with the above post that EQ is a waste for such a short cycle and especially at such a low dose. Can't stress enough to keep this a lighter cycle, for your 1st one back after injury. If you want to add an oral, I'd suggest TBol to help with strength and a little size, but you won't hulk out and you'll get a hell of a lot less bloating. The effects of TBol are between anavar and dbol. It really synergizes nicely with Testosterone.

If you're gonna start with Sustanon, then finish with it. You can start with Test E or Cyp, but I'd split your injections to 3x week for the first 4 weeks. If it's a jump start you're looking for, add 1 mL of Test Prop to each inj for the first couple of weeks.

No Tren. Anadrol and Tren is not a healthy choice to run together in the same cycle. Your really putting a tax on your system.

Again, highly recommended you check out Jimi's TB500 log. I'd consider running that for a few months first and research your cycle more.