Test/Tren and t3 cutting cycle


New member

This so far is what my cycle looks like. Any feedback or advice would be appreciated.

29 male
15% BF
Cycled before. This will be first cut cycle with Tren .

Let me clarify a few things before you ask why;

T3 -> have chosen to use this and have decided to taper up and down as i have not used it before and would like to see how my body reacts to it.
GW-501516 -> already have this so i will use it to help with possible tren related cardio issue.
Tren -> higher than Test to help with sides.
HCG -> throughout rather than blast at end of cycle.

Im sure there are more things you'll probably ask me as to why im doing this instead of that etc etc; thats what i'm after, please also leave your reasoning as to why you would do something different.

Also i have enough Tren to up my 8 week dosages to 200mg EOD or to extend my 150mg EOD cycle to over 9 weeks or i could just leave it how it is now.

Liv 52 and Multivitamin through-out

Weeks 1-2: 2 Weeks:

Test P 100mg/EOD =~ 350mg WEEK

Caber 2x0.5mg per week
Aromasin 12.5mg ED

Weeks 3-10: 8 Weeks:

Test P 100mg/EOD =~ 350mg WEEK
Tren A 150mg/EOD =~ 520mg WEEK

GW-501516 20mg/ED = 10mg AM (upon wake) / 10mg PM (before train)
T3 Taper 50/50/75/100/100/75/50/50 dosage per day split into 8 weeks

HCG 2x250iu per week
Caber 2x0.5mg per week
Aromasin 12.5mg ED

Weeks 11-12: 2 Weeks:

Test P 100mg/EOD =~ 350mg WEEK

HCG 2x250iu per week (last HCG pin to be taken with second to last Test pin)
Caber 2x0.5mg per week
Aromasin 12.5mg ED

weeks 13-16: 4 Weeks: (start 2 days after last pin)

Aromasin 12.5mg ED
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
running t3 with tren is a great idea since tren suppresses your natural production

you dont need to start caber till you start tren..

whats your current weight?
and youre starting your pct a little too early.. i would wait about 6 days
I'm not a fan of tapering t3. It's not like clen in that you have to get yourself used to the sides. I just pick a target (120mcg daily for me) and run that from the first day to the last day. I've personally never experienced any sides from t3 nor had any rebounds and I am currently running it for the third time with my current cycle. Tapering isn't going to hurt you, but it is cosing you some potential fat loss. My .02 cents
yes he is correct.. there is no need to taper t3.. just run it at a constant 50mcg
running t3 with tren is a great idea since tren suppresses your natural production

you dont need to start caber till you start tren.. Was planning on running caber throughout whole cycle for the sexual benefits as well as the need to run it while on Tren

whats your current weight? 110kg

and youre starting your pct a little too early.. i would wait about 6 dayswill look into this more, thanks.

Interesting that you guys don't taper the T3.
I'm more concerned about tapering off and like to do a long drawn out taper.
Does anyone know if you stopped cold turkey how long it would take for your body to get back to normal?
I've ran T3 probably 5 or 6 times, and months on end, somethimes for 4 months or longer and have always tapered.
And when I say 4 months, I'm not running it at 100mcg I'm cruising at 37.5mcg or 50mcg and bouncing up to higher dosages for periods of time...like blasting and cruising only with T3.
Hi Guys/Girls,

I'm currently within the weeks 3-10, have made a small change, I'm now pinning ED for more stable levels, have increased my Tren dose and have also added Clenbuterol along side the T3 while almost completely dropping the GW.

Here is my cycle, changes are in RED.

Weeks 3-10: 8 Weeks:

Test P 100mg/EOD =~ 350mg WEEK (NOW 50mg ED)
Tren A 150mg/EOD =~ 520mg WEEK (NOW 100mg ED)

GW-501516 20mg/ED = 10mg AM (upon wake) / 10mg PM (before train) (rarely take this as i suspect the quality of the brand i have and the benefits its giving)
T3 Taper 50/50/75/100/100/75/50/50 dosage per day split into 8 weeks (T3 sticking to 50ug ED and also running Clen at 40mcg ED)

HCG 2x250iu per week
Caber 2x0.5mg per week
Aromasin 12.5mg ED
Due to this cycle be a killer on cardio, my cardio now consists of about 30 minutes of moderate paced walking/jogging/cycling or rowing rather than doing less cardio but at a higher intensity. This seems to be working for me.

My diet is still not 100% perfect but it is a hell of a lot better and improving, I'm sweating alot and drinking alot more water, I also add a BCAA drink while training and i find this helps.

My next step is to remember to take a protein shake after training sessions as this is the time I'm lacking energy and a source of protein.

I have a few questions to help further my cycle.

here goes,

1) Will adding Glutamine to this cycle post workout (night times) help in the slightest? p.s. i already do have some Glutamine from some time back so its not like i have to pay more money for it.

2) I have been taking HCG throughout and have found it to work wonders on the plumbs, now is it possible for me to extend this cycle as it currently stands without doing long term damage?

If NO then can this cycle be ramped up a bit from now until the end of cycle as i believe i could handle more and in what way?
If YES then how long and to what extent? (p.s. i have enough of everything to ramp it up or to extend it)
if your diet is not perfect youre not getting the most of the cycle.. your diet has to be PERFECT

have you considered hiring a professional to set up your diet for you?
yeah I can refer you to a certain nutritionist roidraver. Though I do admit I'm hoping to receive a referrers fee.

Ok, it's 3J and he already posted. Still, I can refer you to him.
I understand that without a 100% diet i would not be getting the most out of my cycle. Its hard and i'm improving, I don't expect miracles on this cycle either, maybe once i have my diet down pat and body fat that bit lower than i would expect miracles however at this stage i'm more than happy with my progress.

Can anyone give me an answer to my questions above?

As for the diet nutritionist i have been seeing a sports dietician however my own will power is what has let me down that little bit and i can admit that. PM me J3, maybe this is something i can look at.