Test/Tren cycle dosage and length


Throwing Cookies
6th cycle. 3rd w Tren.

Planning to cut this cycle. 2500 cals/day on a modified carb cycle.

Recent history:

Tren a 400mg/week 14 weeks
Test p 500mg/week 14 weeks
Var 50 mg/day last 4 weeks
Aromasin 12.5 eod
Prami .25 every night ()
Standard clomid/nolva/HGC blast pct

Tren e 500/week 16 weeks
Test e 500/week 16 weeks
Mast e 250/week 12 weeks
Aromasin 12.5eod
Prami.25 every night
Same pct as above

This cycle I'm thinking:
Tren e 600mg/week 16 weeks
Test e 500mg/week 16 week
Var 100mg/day last 4 weeks
Caber .5mg 2x/ week
Same pct
Looking forward to the caber. Is this too long to be on tren? How do you guys like my dosage?
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lLess test will help you bro if you are running a cut. I use no more than 200mg test when I want to cut. From what aI can see from your previous cycles that will make a real difference. You do not need aromatizing aas in a cut cycle. Use only enough test to keep e2 at a safe level.
I've had probz w ED IN 19 nor cycles. Prob bc I f-ing hate prami and don't take it consistently. I've found that no matter what I run I'm good to go ED wise @500mg test/week. I'm willing to try less test now that I have caber. You have personal experience running Tren that high and test that low?
I cant comment on T3 or any DA as I have never ran either. But I will say this, low Test, high Tren is far superior to high(er) Test, high Tren. I was a firm believer in both being high but not any more. Let the Tren do the work. Less Test=easier time managing e2=prolactin levels most likely staying where they should be. I don't really do bulks or cuts I just eat but if you doing a cut man, from what Ive noticed, DEFINITELY low Test high Tren. If for some reason libido tanks and caber isn't doing the trick you COULD always up the Test dose to where you know there wont be an issue in that department.

The Tren dose looks fine, as you are aware of how your body reacts to that ester (I cannot run that ester AT ALL). The length of time your running it......If you are getting blood work done and BP checked on the regular and everything checks out fine then I really don't see any issue it. At that length though I would get checked out mid point to assess the situation.....Kidney and Liver function, rbc, hct, etc etc

I don't see mention of an AI but Im sure you just forgot to put that in there and with your experience Im sure you know what you will want to run whatever your running at.

As for the Var. Id personally run it longer. Dose look good but Id go 6 or 8 weeks personally. Tren and Var work very well together so take advantage of it.
i agree ozzy... i would lower the test if you want to run your tren that high

id also run a low dosage of t3 since tren does suppress it
Cycle looks decent, tren rocks!
Tren will let u know when it's time to drop the shit if u make it 16 weeks lol, ran tren for 5 months and after 4 months I started feeling really sleepy all the time, as tren did catch up on me that's forsure
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Tren is great I agree but it wrecks your lipids and it wrecks my prolactin. Def running the t3 as well. Yea. I see now I forgot to include thee ai. Aromasin 12.5 eod.
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It is the most versitile aas I know of.Run high test to bulk and low test to cut. Since finaplex has dried up, I haven't brewed. I have been using mast, and its gtg, but nothing quite like tren for cutting.