Test + tren + hcg + caber adive! Because ATM I haven't got a clue!!


New member
:sadwavey:Hi all,

I have 2 test only cycles behind me. I would like to dive into a test and tren cycle, but after loads of research I have not found a definitive answer on dosages etc.
I am currently planning,

Higher tren A then test P dose.
Pin eod
50/75mg test 1-12weeks
100mg tren 1-10weeks
Caber: .25/.50 taken twice weekly
Arimdex: .25/.5 eod
HCG: 250iu/500ius twice weekly Monday/Thursday

PCT: clomid and nolvdex.

I have never used HCG, caber or tren so any advice would be much appreciated. I won't be starting anything until I feel I am more knowledgable on these compounds.


6 foot
225 lb
14-16% bf, I am currently cutting so bf should go down.

I would do tren 50mg eod and test 100mg eod.
Since its ur first tren cycle id say take it easy on the dose...
Def stay low dose...tren s another "realm" of aas. Start w 50 e o d or m w f..it s 10 x as strong so you ll see gain s but with only 2 test cycle s...I d wait

Post a pic..
Thanks for the info. So would you run the tren at a lower dose then test? Have you any experience with hcg or caber while on a similar cycle?.