Test Tren Mast cycle log

Day 21 (40 days left)

Weight : 209 lb
Bodyfat : 14.6 %

Well I gained slight bodyfat this week *since I had the one bad day during the week but also I upped my carbs so that could of made the difference.

So in 3 weeks i have lost 1.7% bodyfat and lost only 1 lb. I could of done better!!
My goal at the end of this cycle was to be 207lb at 12% bodyfat but il just have to see how I keep things going!!
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Day 21 (40 days left)

Weight : 209 lb
Bodyfat : 14.6 %

Well I gained slight bodyfat this week *since I had the one bad day during the week but also I upped my carbs so that could of made the difference.

So in 3 weeks i have lost 1.7% bodyfat and lost only 1 lb. I could of done better!!
My goal at the end of this cycle was to be 207lb at 12% bodyfat but il just have to see how I keep things going!!

Nice man keep up the good work.
Day 24

Had day off yesterday & did chest today fast workout, heart was thumping like f***.
interested to see clinic results already in 4 more days...
my skin is getting tighter every week & I seem to feel & look better...
one big problem so far is that my appetite has dissapeared completely I have to forcefeed myself, not cool..
Yea i 100% Agree about the dieting it plays a massive role.
As for gyno no change in size since last time.

Hey man ive been taking letrozole one pill a day and my gyno has already changed drastic. i would recomend it if you can get sum.
also how many diffrent inject sites do u use? or do u always do your glutes? i was thinking about trying my deltoid tommorrow.
if not you could try ghrp-6...thats some good shit

Yea just ordered 30mg ghrp6 & 8mg cjc1295

also how many diffrent inject sites do u use? or do u always do you glutes

I do both delts & both glutes only so same place pinning every 6th day.
Also I try not to use letro it is very very strong I do have some from Rui letrozole.
I am currently using some arimidex 0.25 e3d
dropping bf fast and maintaining your weight...thats grate...exactly what ill be looking for from my cycle

How much cals are you taking?
Day 33 (29days left)
Just did a smashing chest workout
Dumbbell press 5 sets (34,44,50,54,56)
Dumbbell flies 4 sets (14,18,22,26)
incline press 5 sets (34,38,42,46,50)
Max bench 1 rep 380lb
Hows ur lower stomach looking? have u notice it tighten up at all that is my main focus. im on day 22 now.
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Hows ur lower stomach looking? have u notice it tighten up at all that is my main focus. im on day 22 now.

Yea i have lost in total 1.5inch around my stomach area.. I am going to the clinic so I wil post my weight & bodyfat as a new update also it should be interesting
Diet has been a bit bad but current stats are
Weight : 212 lb
Bodyfat : 13.5%

Just bought my next 8 week cycle which is a bulk, it consits of 1000mg mixed test & tren ace 400 & mast prop 300 week with .....

Dbol 30mg Ed for 5 weeks or should I make it dbol 40mg for 4 weeks?
I should make 230lb at 15-16% bf

Jeff32 how's yr cycle gping with results & strength what are u looking to achieve?
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Jeff32 how's yr cycle gping with results & strength what are u looking to achieve?

Its Ok. i wanted more but im greddy. This is my first ever cycle and i just thought id be a monster already.lol im on day 27 of a 12 week cycle. strenghth is up my natural record on flat bench with 225lbs was 3 reps im now at 7 reps. my arms have gone from 15 and a half inches to a solid 16 inches. my goal was to gain a lil mass and try to get super cut exposing all musscles and to have my abs popping out. my weight went from 167 to 180lbs. which has taken a lil bit of my stomach deffention away. pissed about that. im dieting hardcore eating as clean as possible. hopefully by the end i will get my results i want. i will keep you posted : )
Well 18 days left..

Weight: 210 lb
Bodyfat: 12.5%

Have to admit this combo is brilliant, the vascularity in my arms are unbelievable..
Strength gone up weight stayed same during the cycle.
Only thing I dont like is not having the size from a bulk..
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