First a little background:
29 years old
About 10% bf
Have done several cycles over the years. Also have a strong background in biochemistry and human medicine, though I won't go into much detail there. I'm basically wondering if anyone can offer any subjective personal experiences or input on this cycle.
Test-E 100mg ED
Mast-P 100mg ED
Tren-E 70mg ED
Anavar 75mg ED
Will also be running T3 and clen. I have adex, nolva, and caber on hand if needed, however I find with the mast that my E2 levels stay within normal ranges, and my prolactin levels personally have never been effected by tren (blood tests confirmed this).
I've done test/tren/mast before at the same doses and had great results during a cut with T3 and clen. What do you guys think about adding the var?
Also side note: yes I inject enanathate esters ED - I calculate the dosage to front load and then maintain peak levels with daily injections. Enanthates are long esters, but even still you will experience a degree of blood level variation day-to-day with E3D injections. Probably not something anyone would notice, but knowing it occurs and avoiding it is worth the extra effort with daily injections to me. Probably just my own OCD, but whatever.
29 years old
About 10% bf
Have done several cycles over the years. Also have a strong background in biochemistry and human medicine, though I won't go into much detail there. I'm basically wondering if anyone can offer any subjective personal experiences or input on this cycle.
Test-E 100mg ED
Mast-P 100mg ED
Tren-E 70mg ED
Anavar 75mg ED
Will also be running T3 and clen. I have adex, nolva, and caber on hand if needed, however I find with the mast that my E2 levels stay within normal ranges, and my prolactin levels personally have never been effected by tren (blood tests confirmed this).
I've done test/tren/mast before at the same doses and had great results during a cut with T3 and clen. What do you guys think about adding the var?
Also side note: yes I inject enanathate esters ED - I calculate the dosage to front load and then maintain peak levels with daily injections. Enanthates are long esters, but even still you will experience a degree of blood level variation day-to-day with E3D injections. Probably not something anyone would notice, but knowing it occurs and avoiding it is worth the extra effort with daily injections to me. Probably just my own OCD, but whatever.