Test + Tren + Sdrol + Super DMZ 2.0


New member
hello all, long time lurker first time poster. Would love to hear you opinion on a possible cycle I was thinking of. I think it could be a little over the top which is why I'm coming to the mecca of information here :)

My goals are to increase LBM and maintain BF% (or slightly decrease, I can dream right?)

Weeks 1-20 Test E (250mg/week)
Weeks 1-4 Superdrol (20mg/day)
Weeks 5-15 Tren Ace (75mg/day)
Weeks 16-20 Super DMZ 2.0 (2caps/day)
Can't help unless we know where your coming from. Full stats and cycle/training history please.

ah, my apologies.

25 years old
cycles under my belt - standard test e 500mg/12 weeks then test (125mg/week) + tren (400/week) cycle for 10 weeks and a standalone Super DMZ 2.0 cycle 2 caps/4weeks

Currently 5'9" 190lbs @ 10%

Goals - increase lbm, maintain body fat%
Not over the top. No mention of hcg or an AI? What does pct look like?

Why mess with unregulated pro hormones that go through numerous reformulations to stay ahead of the FDA, have no long term studies and no years of use behind them? IMHO stick with AAS. Drop the dmz.
Wasn't planning on running an AI on that dose of test (250mg/week) and as far as I know the other compounds do not aromatize. However I am running caber for that dose of tren.

Unregulated PH's can definitely be scary which is why I am primarily asking/interested about adding that Super DMZ2.0 at the end of the cycle, although also gotta realize theres no too many long term studies on tren ace either. theoretically its not for humans.

But if you don't think the Super DMZ 2.0 is too over the top (being that its at the end of a pretty harsh cycle) then I'll give it a go... or I could run tren longer hahaha. Decisions, decisions.