

New member
Week 1: 875 mg Test E
Week 2-12: 500mg Test E
Week 3-12: 300mg Tren E
Week 1-12: .25mg/day Adex
Week 14-18: Nolva/Clomid
I do have HCG but would not use it until the end if I even do. I have dostinex and letro as well.

I'm one week in. This is my first and final cycle. 25 years old, 6'0 200. I'll be one and done so I'm going for broke. I already know about "no tren for you"..."no tren first cycle". This was meant to be a bulking cycle the whole way, but now im thinking of doing a kind of hybrid / 8 week bulk and 4 week cut. Maybe adding in T3/Clen the last 4 weeks. Anyone ever done a hybrid bulk/cut like I'm thinking?
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its definately common to finish a cycle up with Winstrol (winny) or anavar or something to harden and cut up a little bit at the end.

First and last cycle huh? When i did my first cycle I said the same exact thing. My buddy said yeah right. Ha, once I tried it, i decided i aint ever stopping!
9 days in..flat bench +15 lbs. Using Schering Testoviron Depot human grade test. I add Z-line Tren this Sunday.
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16 days in..flat bench +25 lbs. For everyone who says frontloading does not work. This update is for you. I've not yet added Tren. Decided to wait another week since I'm making good gains with just Test. I have had no acne thus far which is nice. I've taken accutane before so maybe that is helping. We'll see. I've put on about 7 pounds since starting.
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Today I injected Tren for the first time. So the rest of the cycle will be 300mg/Tren E and 500mg Test E. I'm also adding Cabergoline at .25mg/day. I have some before pictures but I'll wait and post them until I'm further along in the cycle. A lot of debate about the fat loss effects tren has so we shall see. I don't know my BF % but know it is more than 15%. We'll see what tren can do. I'm really adding the tren because people say it is a transformational drug. I will put it to the ultimate test. If it can take my physique and make it amazing then I will be happy. Anything less than dramatic results will be a big letdown.
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I also said only one but I just started my second. I was slightly disappointed with my first though. I thought it would be much more dramatic than it was.
Today I injected Tren for the first time. So the rest of the cycle will be 300mg/Tren E and 500mg Test E. I'm also adding Cabergoline at .25mg/day. I have some before pictures but I'll wait and post them until I'm further along in the cycle. A lot of debate about the fat loss effects tren has so we shall see. I don't know my BF % but know it is more than 15%. We'll see what tren can do. I'm really adding the tren because people say it is a transformational drug. I will put it to the ultimate test. If it can take my physique and make it amazing then I will be happy. Anything less than dramatic results will be a big letdown.
Eat big & clean & get plenty rest. Tren seems to like my additional protein intake. Yesterday I cranked out 3 sets of 20 strict pullups which at 235 isn't shabby for me. Respect it because it definitely will hinder cardio & keep an eye on your bp. I can't say I'm losing weight on it but losing weight is easy with strict diet it's putting solid muscle on which is why I use these products in the 1st place.
9 days into tren and have not noticed anything different. No side effects. I added tren in hopes it would turn me into a superhero. It better start working.
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Noticing some substantial fat loss in the last 3 or 4 days. My diet has not changed much (although I did eat pizza twice yesterday). I've not seen any sides that are tren related. In fact, I do not really have any visible side effects at all. I've had just one or two minor acne bumps on the chest. My bench press went up 5lbs last week instead of the 10 lbs it had been. We'll see about tomorrow. I'm 2 weeks into tren E and 5 weeks into Test E.
Surf......keep me posted on your results please!! I am about to start the exact same cycle here in the next few weeks. Would like to gain some insight.

I think I'm about the same size as you also for my height at 5'10 195 ibs at 15% BF. What is your BF?

I'll be doing the cycle for lean mass, which is what I understand you are trying to accomplish. Let me know what your doing for diet.