TEST400 and AI Problem/Question


New member
Hello there ,
I have just finished the six week cycle that i had with Sustanon (750 ml per week ) and deca (400ml per week ) . I have use dianabol at the start(First 4 weeks) until test start kicking out

I had gains around 13 kg and as a greedy bastard that i am i wanted some more gains .

So i decide to continue another 3 weeks my cycle. I communicate with my source but unfortunately he was unable to find me the same gear , and instead of that , he bring me a TEST400 and deca 300 .

my question is :
1200ml or 950ml of test per week are too much ?
or shall i go with 800mg per week ?
more than 800mg i m worried if my system doesnt accept it or have any side effect
Bytheway i have read around internet that injections of test400 are very painfull ! i had my first injection today and i didnt felt any pain . always i m injecting very slowly and carefully

and now my second question about my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . I m using 10mg of Tamoxifen per day for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). The last two days my nipples were darker and puffy. is it a symptom or gyno ? Shall i increase the dose of tamo ?
i have start worrying

Thanks in advance for any replies, i would appreciate it . and once again sorry for my confusing english
First you should stop cycle do PCT and then go on the next one when it times for it. 1200ML???? you mean mgs right? I used T400 if you pin right it may not hurt too much, IMO. Don`t jump from one cycle to the other like that, do it righ
What do u mean by pin right and it won't hurt asuch with the t 400

I said "it may don`t hurt TOO MUCH"
I mean by do it slowly, It will hurt cause the mix of test. I just finish a 12 week cycle of test 400. The way I pin was took my time to pin my test, not push the oil too fast, this will cause PIP very bad and not cause the gear but the way the oil goes to your muscles. I did feel the pins but not as much as I was expecting.
Also nolva won't help you out with your estrogen issues because its a serm and will prevent gyno but DOES NOT lower estro levels. Tam is not an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Go get some Aromasin or arimadex.
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Thnx Big herm to jump on that point I missed that bro...looks like our friend here need some good advices and a lot of reaserch to be done.