Hello there ,
I have just finished the six week cycle that i had with Sustanon (750 ml per week ) and deca (400ml per week ) . I have use dianabol at the start(First 4 weeks) until test start kicking out
I had gains around 13 kg and as a greedy bastard that i am i wanted some more gains .
So i decide to continue another 3 weeks my cycle. I communicate with my source but unfortunately he was unable to find me the same gear , and instead of that , he bring me a TEST400 and deca 300 .
my question is :
1200ml or 950ml of test per week are too much ?
or shall i go with 800mg per week ?
more than 800mg i m worried if my system doesnt accept it or have any side effect
Bytheway i have read around internet that injections of test400 are very painfull ! i had my first injection today and i didnt felt any pain . always i m injecting very slowly and carefully
and now my second question about my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . I m using 10mg of Tamoxifen per day for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). The last two days my nipples were darker and puffy. is it a symptom or gyno ? Shall i increase the dose of tamo ?
i have start worrying
Thanks in advance for any replies, i would appreciate it . and once again sorry for my confusing english
I have just finished the six week cycle that i had with Sustanon (750 ml per week ) and deca (400ml per week ) . I have use dianabol at the start(First 4 weeks) until test start kicking out
I had gains around 13 kg and as a greedy bastard that i am i wanted some more gains .
So i decide to continue another 3 weeks my cycle. I communicate with my source but unfortunately he was unable to find me the same gear , and instead of that , he bring me a TEST400 and deca 300 .
my question is :
1200ml or 950ml of test per week are too much ?
or shall i go with 800mg per week ?
more than 800mg i m worried if my system doesnt accept it or have any side effect
Bytheway i have read around internet that injections of test400 are very painfull ! i had my first injection today and i didnt felt any pain . always i m injecting very slowly and carefully
and now my second question about my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . I m using 10mg of Tamoxifen per day for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). The last two days my nipples were darker and puffy. is it a symptom or gyno ? Shall i increase the dose of tamo ?
i have start worrying
Thanks in advance for any replies, i would appreciate it . and once again sorry for my confusing english