Testing the waters with Tren


New member
Would starting with Tren Ace @ 75mg/day and transitioning to Tren E be a mistake?

I have a bunch of Tren E but after reading about some of the sides I'm a little hesitant to jump into a Tren E cycle. I've got a few weeks worth of Tren A and was thinking of doing a couple of weeks of this and if all goes well, starting to use the E for about 12 weeks. Plan is to give it a go for a couple of weeks and then start the E and continue the Ace for another week.

Also, I'm old and on TRT so those that don't know me don't need to ask.
The only thing I see is that you only have a few weeks of Tren A. Even thought it's a short ester its going to take a a couple of weeks to kick in and you might not notice the sides by then.

If your going to switch from a short to a long ester you would want to run them togehter for a couple of weeks then drop the tren a to minimize hormonal swings.

Do you have prami/caber on hand for possible prolactin issues?
Ya if its your first go with Tren I say run A the whole time. Side effects arent a guarantee but if you one of the unlucky ones my friend you dont wanna be running E and have to wait 2 or more weeks for it to clear you system you want it out STAT and the A ester allows this to happen.

The only time IMO your gonna want to run A and E together is if you use the A to kickstart as the E takes a bit to build up. With that said though thats gonna be for someone who has some experience and knows how he reacts to that compound.

Get your hands on some more A if your heart is set on running Tren. I wouldnt recommend E for a first time user.
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What shredder said ^^^

You can't do a couple weeks of a short ester then switch over to a long ester. It don't work like that. Go read through the steroid profiles at the top of the page. I'm on a hiatus for posting links. If I can find em, you all can too...
What shredder said ^^^

You can't do a couple weeks of a short ester then switch over to a long ester. It don't work like that. Go read through the steroid profiles at the top of the page. I'm on a hiatus for posting links. If I can find em, you all can too...
Got it. Thanks guys.

I've done the short to long ester switch before with test and deca but this is my first go with tren.

I'll just get some more ace and see how that works out.

Merry Christmas all.
I would just run the enanthate starting at a low dose as long as you have enough to run
a full cycle.

But that's just me... my experience with tren has never been bad - or at least not anything to
worry about waiting for any sides to dissipate.

In my case the only sides that are a bitch is waking up soaked in sweat - and freezing at the same time
which is also due to having the AC cranked up and sleeping under a ceiling fan, being located in Florida.

You could do the switch but it should be more like running both from the start and then taper off of the
tren-a as the tren-e kicks in just as shredder outlines in his post.

But everyone is different... I'm always the first one to jump off a bridge... "if anyone wants to follow that's up to them?"

However, everything is calculated so I don't worry. :D
TREN E is side effects in a vial. do not take it. tren is extremely powerful and you want to have as much control over it as possible, thus making tren ace the best idea.
start at 50mg a day for 2-3 weeks. then bump it up to 100. dont expect anything insane at 50mg, but see how YOU react to the drug and not just your muscles.
TREN E is side effects in a vial. do not take it. tren is extremely powerful and you want to have as much control over it as possible, thus making tren ace the best idea.
start at 50mg a day for 2-3 weeks. then bump it up to 100. dont expect anything insane at 50mg, but see how YOU react to the drug and not just your muscles.

This is a little ignorant. Tren e is not side effects in a bottle. Tren a would have the same side effects you could just get it out of your system quicker. Most people don't experience bad side effects from it anyway. Of course tren is powerful. All aas are powerful. OP if I were you I would be taking advice from the more veteran guys that gave you some advice. And keep asking questions if you have them.