testosterone and sore nipples


New member
i dont know where to post this so if im in wrong place cut me a brake.
got sore nipple started 300mg test only last week. im waiting on aromison but have been told could take nolv. in the mean time. is that correct? if so what dose of nolv. would you start at?
What kind of test you running? 1 week is too short of a time for nipples to be sore from 300mg of test. If im wrong I will be corrected.
Nolv is a SERM, not and AI. Get bloodwork done, without that your diagnosing blindly and could crash your estrogen actually.
Hope that helps some, I am sure others will chime in..hang in there.
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mighty its test e.
ok thanks guys like i said its just something i read and didnt understand so i wanted to ask. i do have arim on hand but didnt want to use that now. I did blood work this morning get results next week
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No problem. Test E is doesnt kick in on me for around 4-5 weeks and thats running 750mg plus.
Can you share some stats?
height , weight, age etc? Training yrs?
What are you expecting from this cycle because 300 mg a week is actually a low dosage, just above TRT
38yrs old 5'8 200weight 5 years train
ran more before but now adays have low test so running a little above trt hoping for some gains but mainly to feel better from the effects of low t.
what do you think of running some arimidex till aromison comes in? like .25mg eod? im pretty possitive soreness is from test. i dont see any other reason for having this issue all the sudden
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Moe, I wouldnt start a blast without AI and i personally prefer arimidex for myself. I would start and .25mg eod is a good starting point until you can get bloods and dial yourself in.
And I reread my response earlier, 4-5 weeks you will notice strength size if diet is on point etc. You may be very sensitive an aromatize easily but still seems fast.
My experience. From when I started with AAS I always got a dull ache in my balls a few hours after my FIRST injection of testosterone, whether it be 250mg or 500mgs.

I'm prone to Gyno so after about a few weeks I get sore nipples. Now I will tell you what I just experienced TODAY and a few days ago.

I started a Test and Deca cycle. Test 3 weeks ago. Then the Deca one week ago. I have gotten some sweats like I do on cycle and as of 3 days ago I lost my appetite and got tired. I was doing Arimidex .25 EOD. When I lost my appetite and energy I knew (by experience) my E2 was getting unacceptably high. This is some of the sides of high E2 so I switched my Adex to .125 ED so there would be no lows and highs. Now three days later my nipples got sore so I upped my Adex dose today to .175 ED and we will see .

This afternoon hours 6 hours after my .175 mgs Adex my nipples are not as sore. For me all these sides are ( as we know) from the test w/ E2 and it is common. Get on your AI and you will be ok.

PS: when I plugged in the more frequent AI I feel great.
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thanks guy for the info and input
mighty i agree should have waited for everything to come in. i just got excited and thought from past experience i would be fine. oh well
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Are they really sore or just sensitive? Mine were crazy sensitive when I started TRT. My estrogen levels were still too low to register on a standard test so not sure what really caused it.
ducbase they are just a little sore to touch nothing really bad. can notice when shirt is rubbing them, sore to touch, but not noticable otherwise.
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Mine are sore too but I'm sure some of its from the wife not keeping her mouth off them fuckers. They stay so hard I can cut glass with them. Just as I'm attracted to a set of hard woman's nipples, guess the ladies are too.