TESTOSTERONE Blood Results - 11.4 nmol/l - how am I looking?? Wanna start a new cycle


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Hey bros,

Stats - 27 years old, 6'3", 98kg, 15% bf, 3 test-e cycles under my belt. 2 of them were 4-5 years ago, most recent one finished september last year.

I just got my bloods done because I want to start a new cycle.. Came back at 11.4 nmol/l

I have nothing to compare this against - how does it look for my age? I want to cycle test again, but if my test it low for my age, I don't want to risk fuking it up and having to go on TRT. I only want to cycle if this is a normal, healthy range.

My proposed cycle is a simple 500mg/wk of Test-e for 12 weeks. A-dex on cycle, and clomid + nolva for PCT.

Advice would be much appreciated.

Also take into account the time of day you got the test done, and if you had been eating very shitty the past few weeks OR had alchohol in the days leading up to the test ( booze suppresses test by a good bit ).

You also have to factor in when you had the test done. Getting it done in the morning about 2 hours after you wake up is considered optimal.

I'd get another test done under optimal conditions before determining you NEED trt for life. Also like other members said, you might not have recovered 100% from last cycle. Did you get LH and FSH levels checked out too?
some labs have a different reference range,
In the US Quest would consider 250ng/dl the bottom range and Labcorp 350 ng/dl
What was the range on your test results?
if your 6 3 98kg with 15% BF you probably dont need trt... a number doesnt tell you if you need trt..symptoms do.

I would wait another month, then do BW again and then probably do a cycle test e only with hcg and then come off with test taper/hcg/aromasin combo and see where things go
if your 6 3 98kg with 15% BF you probably dont need trt... a number doesnt tell you if you need trt..symptoms do.

I would wait another month, then do BW again and then probably do a cycle test e only with hcg and then come off with test taper/hcg/aromasin combo and see where things go

Agreed you must also be symptomatic.
I've been lethargic as fuk the last 8 or 9 months, even before my last cycle, felt great when on but back to lethargic and night time depression now.. these are symptoms of low T, no?

I've just started supplementing with a better multi plus zinc, magnesium, b-complex, tribulus and potassium.. hopefully this makes a difference
I've been lethargic as fuk the last 8 or 9 months, even before my last cycle, felt great when on but back to lethargic and night time depression now.. these are symptoms of low T, no?

I've just started supplementing with a better multi plus zinc, magnesium, b-complex, tribulus and potassium.. hopefully this makes a difference

Yes these are low T symptoms, ones I have experienced first hand.
Right dude, here's where you are at....

Those levels are low, no question... but it's still far too early to jump on TRT... you need a second round of tests, in 4-6 weeks time...

This will determine whether things are slowly improving and you are likely to regain your natural T levels.

Did you run a standard PCT of Clomid and Nolvadex after your last cycle?

Lenex is right that a number of things can determine your test levels at any stage of the day - and he also right that you shouldn't be dictated by a number, but should listen to your body for symptoms...

However his advice to run another Test E cycle is shocking, that is the last thing you need right now!

Get the 2nd round of bloods done, read your body and it's symptoms - and if things haven't improved - or have got worse - it's time to go see your endo.

DO NOT run another cycle!

However his advice to run another Test E cycle is shocking, that is the last thing you need right now!

yes i take it back, its certainly not a good decision to run a cycle if you want to restore your natural testosterone. But im not a big fan of serms either.
hcg will shut you down but you should still use it.
and you can try with aromasin.
yes i take it back, its certainly not a good decision to run a cycle if you want to restore your natural testosterone. But im not a big fan of serms either.
hcg will shut you down but you should still use it.
and you can try with aromasin.

In an ideal world - the OP would have ran HCG throughout his cycle until 3 days before commencing PCT, allowed suitable time off and then run a standard Clomid and Nolvadex PCT - I suspect this isn't the case, hence his current predicament!