Testosterone + Cardio = Good?


I am banned!
I've been running Test-C 600mg/wk for the past 8-9 weeks. I wasn't at optimal bf% this time when I started, I'm a little thick at the moment. I'd like to get back down to maybe 9-10%. Is cardio on cycle a good idea? Thats how I'm planning to drop the bf%. So I'm wondering what TYPE of cardio would be best? And for how long? btw, I don't mind losing a little size to accomplish this.

any type of cardio, whether on or off cycle, is good. what kind of stupid question is this?
any type of cardio, whether on or off cycle, is good. what kind of stupid question is this?

It's about as stupid as running a 2 1/2 year cycle and thinking 10000 units of hcg and a 30 day pct is gonna get your natural pre cycle test back just that quick.
any type of cardio, whether on or off cycle, is good. what kind of stupid question is this?

Hey bro, relax. On this site there's no such thing as a stupid question. I'm on many other sites where guys dog out the new guys which doesn't make sense. We want to make the new guy feel welcome to ask any question ! We want everybody that chooses to use aas to do it in the safes way as possible but if they feel like they'll get dog for asking a question then the question never gets asked and they end up running their cycle wrong.
yes relax guys, I would run 4 or 5 times a week on 300 mg of test c and I droped the fat down to a 7 % try running
Along the same lines as this question, do you guys feel running is more difficult while on cycle? I was running a little but went three weeks where I didn't run, only lifted. This week I started back running and I'm amazed at how quickly I lost it. It's not exactly the cardio aspect I lost, but my muscles in my legs, specifically calves and the muscle that runs down your shin get so tight I have to stop.
Of all the types of cardio I have done and routinely mix even now, running is by far the best in cutting fat. I just cant run every day at my age now, have to mix in other forms of cardio that are not as hard on the knees.
Diet would also help too...

im glad someone finally said it...

OP, what are your goals with the cycle?? if youre trying to put on as much mass as possible then keep the cardio very very light.. 3 20 min sessions a week.. heart rate 135