Testosterone E 500mg/w 12w


Ok, so would this be a good first cycle?
(Throughout the cycle 20mg Accutane/day will be used.)

Test E 500mg/w 1-12
Hcg 250iu´s/w 1-12 (?)

14 days after last injection:
day1: 80mg Nolvadex
day 2-7: 40mg Nolvadex
day 8-30: 20mg Nolvadex

Also i would like to add Milk thistle for the accutane, what doses?
Bro I give you alot of credit for waiting so long to do your first cycle. You've been here a while so I am sure you posted your stats before and have learned a lot. You'll get great gains with your proposed first cycle. I like to use clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct) though. And depending on your age, I don't even know if you'll need the hcg, but it couldn't hurt.
I was thinkin the same thing. HCG and accutane might not even be needed. I quess everyones different i never get ball shrinkage or a single pimple from cycle like anadrol/ test now test at 750mg's. But hey go for it to be on the safe side. Damn not bad 1,000+posts and your 1st cycle. Accutane is some pretty harsh shit i hear.
Just finished my first test cycle

I got advise from Stone Cold on the exact same cycle of 500mg test enathate pw:

HCG:week 2-12; 500IU every 5 days
Novaldex: week 12-14; 40mg per day
week 14-16; 20mg per day.

I'm in week 11 now, results were good-I gained 4 kg and strength improved massively. Acne was slightly present-but no need for Accutane. Didn't do the milk thistle.

Good luck-I did my first test cycle at 40. I'm glad I waited this long!
mikesa: If recommend that you wait perhaps 8 or 9 days after your last injection before starting post cycle therapy (pct) with the Nolvadex. If you are taking twice/weekly shots, then maybe 7 days.

Glad to hear that you have been happy with your cycle!
Slayer: Yeah, well competition will be coming up, thinking of doing one show natural, and I wont go on the juice until this winter or later.
Many say that clomid makes you to a big pussy and so i noticed on some friends :) Nolva will work as good wont it? The Hcg is to keep the balls up to size so they´ll get back up and running as fast as possible. Accutane, well... I will be running this either way, hate zits and I wont be doing any orals so that wont be to hard on the liver(?) So do you guys think the cycle looks good otherwise? post cycle therapy (pct) and everything?
mranak said:
Are you intending to use the Accutane for prevention of on-cycle acne?

i dont like this idea much, odds are the excess androgens in your system will still become a factor...especially if only 20mgs is used...

you wont even see benefits untill you are finishing up your cycle, and the first two months of it usually makes the patients skin worse.

talk to your doctor
B5 is great for acne from your cycle... better then that is the sun and swimming in the ocean if it's nearby.... save the accutane for if things really get out of hand.
Well, I hardly have any zits at all but i dont want any. Was thinking of when the time comes starting with 20mg/day of accutane a month before cycle.

Daan69: IF zits where to come, on accutane the problems must me smaller right, and after cycle I continue with accutane and the zits that maybe came during cycle will go away fast.
Bast said:
Well, I hardly have any zits at all but i dont want any. Was thinking of when the time comes starting with 20mg/day of accutane a month before cycle.

Daan69: IF zits where to come, on accutane the problems must me smaller right, and after cycle I continue with accutane and the zits that maybe came during cycle will go away fast.

From what I've read on Accutane it will not be of any benefit to you if you start taking it one month before. Accutane is harsh and should only be taking for severe cases or if nothing else gets rid of acne. Why don't you try using tetracycline or something in the cycline family.

I don't break on while on but I do break out once I get off. Just on my back and shoulders for some reason. I use B5, tanning and topical lotions.
Ok, I maybe shouldnt have posted the accutane but thats what im gonna do. Over here its not like its the worst thing ever. And anyways it wont hit the liver harder then dbol at the same dose. So... to my cycle.. does it look accurate? Any things youd like to change? post cycle therapy (pct) look good?