Testosterone Enanthate (Iran)

they ;look to be ok to me....the manufacturing date seems to be legit let me look a lil more and get back to you
hey brother no there no good...look at the diamond in the bowl shape thier logo ...its not correct...so i would say ..thats a shiity deal bro....
yeah bro sorry to break it to you like that...but there no nice way of saying its bunk...
i guess thats what happened, one has the handle on the spoon and the other does not, two different batch numbers. do the others look good though?
well...thanks again for your help. it pisses me off that somebody goes through that much trouble just to make a couple of bucks....
Hey, they look good to me, Obviously different people will tell you different things. If we just listened to the all the negative shit all the time then we would never ever have any gear to take because you would always doubt it. Th proof in most cases is going to be in the pudding, so just crack on wit ur course. Good luck mate..
Hey, they look good to me, Obviously different people will tell you different things. If we just listened to the all the negative shit all the time then we would never ever have any gear to take because you would always doubt it. Th proof in most cases is going to be in the pudding, so just crack on wit ur course. Good luck mate..

I will stand behind that statement. They are gtg
I am running the same ones as we speak. Iran
is alway changing there look on the amps. as soon as they do, everyone calls them fake. do your homework before you tell someone there gear is bunk. If you don't then you are wasting there hard earned money by making someone toss legit gear
I reckon those are legit and i have use the excate same stuff its good stuff and good to go get it in to you that IMHO ist deef look legit from what im see im still nopt an expert but i have used the same and the same batch numcer i can vouche for them,they look gtg try those out im sure thery are good gear, this if just my personal opinon ok. check about for other answer, gope this helps a eee bit look luck lets us know how it went for you.
yep they're good...

the symbol has changed back and forth a few times...so has the lettering...

from my research, the fake Iranians will have odd looking amp shape (short top with long base), and also real Iranians will contain a full ml....fakes usually are off.
I just realised in my opinion some are fake some are real, anyone ele think the same?