While labmax shows the presence of a compound, it doesn't prove purity (note: I am NOT saying they are faking or underdosing, etc.. just want people to be aware of what it proves/shows)
Then someone send me a lab package or someone else and lets pull this shit... other boards think that some boards push sponsers, Send me a test kit, I will report back 100 % the truth...... Because as i said its hard to trust any source.... ANY SOURCE.. naps, worldpharma, AML, you name it... I have something from everyone but naps, only because I dont do the western union thing..
Someone try me, send me the test pack, and If your a member over 100 posts with quality contributions I will do what PSL is doing right now;
I also doubt PSL or AML would have issue with my theory. Naps and worldpharma have a lot 0f products, aside from what were all looking for, (like pain killers, xanax and just shit were not talking about or looking for over herer, meaning, Ill run certain shit and log,show bloods,and as mentioned before, a member who has contributed with quality posts, and not an sshole, I will PM them my cell # so its not such a gussing game as I felt it was 8 months ago..... Also, As all major members do when they place an 0rder, we dont want them to know if its a virgin or a moderator.....
We can put this whole debate to sleep....... send me the kit, I already have EP deca/test and AML Test250 in my drawer.........
I say this becasue other boards think some forums push shit cause sponsers (PAY);;;;
PSL AML PM me, you can have my cell and we can talk and I WILL DO A LOG..... Both of the 2 formentioned have 100% del rate, I am a customer, I wish someone like me had done this when I was shopping around...
PM ME...... I will do a 100% blood, blue light, and tests and I will speak to certain members who as said are "members" good members... You cant talk shit about that..... Why/? cause I will be the one your talking to....