Testosterone enanthate + oral yes or no?

Gonna get flamed...but I would run an oral the first 4-5 weeks. 4 weeks for dbol or 5 weeks for ana Anavar (var) .

Also, as it has been stated, test doesn't cause you to put on fat. Extra calories cause you to put on fat

Why would you run the Anavar (var) at the beginning and not at the end? I thought it was best for Anavar (var) at the end.
Actually I would run Anavar (var) at the end if it were me but he said he was thinking about running it at the end. But, again, if it were me I would run a kicker and a tail because I think it makes a more effective cycle...but I figured I would get flamed even more if I recommended two orals instead of one
Right. I thought you were suggesting to run Anavar (var) at the beginning, and i was curious why

Fuck sorry I thought he was wanting to run it at the beginning. Disregard that last post and yes, I would run it at the end if he was going to use it.