Testosterone....just a base drug?


New member
Now we all know what testosterone does, and its characteristics and why its such a great muscle builder and why cycling it for the periods of time we do is beneficial. but ive been thinking quite a lot about this, and have seen it discussed around here.

should testosterone just be used as a base drug? (after first cycle, or a few of plain test)

from a medical standpoint testosterone isn't the most anabolic compared to others (tho we know what certain doses will yield, so some will say why lower it)

should a low dose of this drug be administered weekly, rather than a high mg, and stack with other drugs, and let their properties really do the work? (since a lot others seem to be more anabolic)

use testosterone to really supplement the lost testosterone from shut down with other drugs?

a low dose, with a high oral dose (so to speak) to really see the qualities of the drug, if youre looking for what the drug has to offer? (ex winstrol, anavar, dbol)

it seems to have been the common in the golden era

what could be the down fall/negative?

why not run cycles of other drugs, with a base of test (ex 200mg of test e split a week)?

it seems reasonable and logical. it would probably save money, and you'd get a better idea of each drugs properties

what are your guys thoughts/arguments/opinions? (just a thought)
I did like ur topic bro.. But i not agree with u !! Test is the base in all cycles. No test no cycle if ur asking me. Anavar and Winstrol (winny) is not so anabolic so why did u even mention that ?? Dbol,drols and tbol on the other hand is more anabolic.. But again dbol and drols will make u bloated and thats not the look we all are looking for..

My first cycles did i use test e at 250mg aw. I did that with good resoults. But now days do nothing hapend if i inject 250mg test aw.

Tren is a much more anabolic then test. But i think tren is just for the pros. A average cat like me not need tren. And i think the sides are to much for me.

My favorite stack ever is test at 500-750mg and deca 400mg aw stacked with dbol at 40mg ed or 100md drols. This cycle never disappoints me. Now thinking about strength and size.

After a lot reading do i have plan in the future to bridge with dbol or turana. And jump back on again. I did bridge with deca back in the day. And i realy like it !!
I love high doses of test but there's not much to think about, it's become pretty common again to run test as a replacement dose and your other compounds higher. Depends on the person.

The problem is that too many people think there all kinds of rules but there aren't. You have to see what works for you. Running tren higher than test is very common right now but doesn't work well for me.

And just to be clear, dbol does not make you bloat. Yes it aromatizes at a rapid rate but myself and a friend both ran it a while back, him more recent and maintained a solid dry look. It partially your current bf, propensity to gain fat, diet, water intake and other factors. I just don't like everyone claiming that dbol and drol you will bloat, deca will cause ED, etc etc. Most of it is in how you use the drug and how your body responds to combinations and doses.

While some guys can look at dbol and start to bloat, others have no issue at all. Try what you want, but with in reason, and running a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test with whatever you want is within reason. When I run tren higher than test, my libido is great for 2-4 weeks then falls off, I have to increase test then I'm fine. Complete opposite from most.

Good thought, it's commonly done now, see what works for you and good job on thinking outside the box. There is no set of rules, but I would advise at least a replacement dose to maintain normal function.
since testosterone is the hormone that makes you a man, and your own production stops as soon as you start a cycle, then it really should be the base of every cycle you run...that being said I dont get much from test on its own...I have to add others things, big fan of long term eq us, and cycling other drugs in and out such as anavar and tbol
Good topic guys. I really like the input of UserAt204. User, you also wrote a post on HCG dosing I came up on a few days ago. I always get a lot from your input.

I agree that lower levels of test would make since. I mean, we use test as a base sort of as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). I can see running test at 500 mg a week if that is your primary compund. The only argument I would have would be when stacking test with certain compounds. I have been researching for the cycle im starting June first. It is a test-e/deca/A-bomd/IGF-LR3 cycle. In this research I have read a lot of arguments about running Test higher than Deca by at least 1.25X. We shall see. Lower test makes since though...
Needsize looking good son !!!!!

He and user are 100 correct, of course i m o.

Dbol does not bloat everyone the same..it s high conversion and the resultant feeling of well being is what I liked about it.

Estro can be can be controlled with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) thereby checkmating bloat.

We all react differant. The only commonality is intro of exo drugs shut s you down.... period.

Using test as a base is a must. At my age it s all I want to do..

Good thread STologist. Generated some good input from experienced individuals.
Needsize looking good son !!!!!

He and user are 100 correct, of course i m o.

Dbol does not bloat everyone the same..it s high conversion and the resultant feeling of well being is what I liked about it.

Estro can be can be controlled with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) thereby checkmating bloat.

We all react differant. The only commonality is intro of exo drugs shut s you down.... period.

Using test as a base is a must. At my age it s all I want to do..

Good thread STologist. Generated some good input from experienced individuals.

thanks a lot.

yes i know constant base tests.

i guess i'm going to try everything. time is of the essence and is on my hand so i'll see what works best.

anyone else ever try this?
Needsize you are looking great brotha. Tuetonic is a good person to listen to, at 48 he looks better than most 20 yr olds, and is pretty bad ass.

Noobmuscle, I like your cycle, if you haven't ran drol before, try at 100mg a day, and if you get bloated or too lethargic or lose appetite, you can make adjustments. The only problem is most are made at 50mg, in a tab that's fine because you can break it up, but with caps you are stuck. I tend to make mine 25mg so I can run between 75-125mg depending on how I feel. Most love it or hate it. Dbol is a good option there also.

With this cycle, I tend to run test at least the same as deca or a little higher. I have never had an issue but it's just what I do. There have been some guys experimenting with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) test/500-600 deca/ + an oral. I would start the test maybe a week or two before deca just to get it in your system and build serum levels. Then if you run deca higher, and start to have any issues, just bump the test dose up.

My biggest problem is that I am very gyno prone, but at the same time am very sensitive to ai's so I have to use very low doses of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but it works for me. I always add some caber in pill/cap form just as precaution.

Typically as long as you control estro, you won't have prolactin issues but it's different for everyone. Good luck.