Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for Athlete, Will it cause positive drug test?


TRT for Athlete, Will it cause positive drug test?

I am on doctor prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) levels and inject 100mg Test/Enan every 5 days.

This has never been an issue and I feel great and have for the last year.

Now I am competing in a drug tested sport which I am subject to a urine test about a month away.

Will I test positive? I mean my Test will be in the acceptable range so I should be ok right?

This sucks, I don't want to fail my drug test and be labeled a 'juicer' for using a minimal dose of test.
Check with the governing body. If you have a legit medical issue I don't think they can. You better go to them instead of waiting for it to come out at test.
If you have a prescription and you're within normal range, I fail to see a problem.

I do have a script, and I am on a normal dose, but being that I compete in a combat sport (MMA) as a Professional, I'm not sure they'll care, and may ban me regardless if I mention it.

I'm just hoping that my Test/Epitest levels will fall within the acceptable categories because I am not abusing the Test.
Check with the governing body. If you have a legit medical issue I don't think they can. You better go to them instead of waiting for it to come out at test.

I'm nervous to do this because of the stigma against any form of steroids surrounding pro sports.

They could cancel the fight in which case I think my coach might kick me out of the gym. He is oldschool and against any and all supplements.

I'm between a rock and a hard place on this one.

I don't want to stop all testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) a month out from the fight and go into a pro fight coming off 2 years testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) crashing.

I appreciate you and STONE responding in this thread.
I wouldn't stop. It could hurt you.

You testing positive depends on what amount they consider "steroidal". If you are using test for hrt you should be fine.

However it's your responsibility to find out what steroids and what amounts of those steroids are banned.

Since test is naturally found in the body it probably won't register as a steroid unless in huge amounts and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is not a huge amount.