Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) hair loss and swollen nipps


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TRT hair loss and swollen nipps

ok so i went to DR. told him and showed him i run my hands through hair over white paper and u see 50 hairs fall out..every day hair thining fast and i have swollen nipps. this is after 2 yrs testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) @ 120 mgs. he told be chill out, lower dose to 80 mgs test and use 2mgs shampoos nexoral(spelling?).
u guys thin that will stop hairloss my moms brothers and father have full head hair.
yikes dude, try getting some finastride, ive never tried it but i will be soon. from my understanding it helps stop the test from converting to dht which leads to male pattern baldness. as far as the nips go, could he perscribe you some form of anti e like nolva, to help at your receptors?
dr. told me anti e may worsen hairloss?? said that by lowering test dose it would reduce swollen nipps and stop current hairloss.. i am looking you guys who may know i dont believe all what dr's say u know they are not as experienced as guys who use T.
40 yrs old. and on for 3 years,.. do you think by cutting back on mgs of test it will lower estrogen so my nipps will go down and hair will stop falling... as per dr' said? thx
that sucks.

so youve been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) 3 years and JUST NOW all of the sudden after all this time you start getting the hair loss and puffy nipples?
Belive me man I´m on NIZO 2% shampoo DAILY for about 5 years , absolutely no fall hair , and i´m big prone to HPB and now on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) .
out of curiousity, i see people saying expect to get hairloss on TRT.

is this because the boost in test? or does exogoneous(sp) test cause greater hairloss than your bodies own test
Test is converted to DHT which causes hair loss - IF you are prone to pattern baldness. It has had no effect on me - fortunately yet - after 3 years. I definately would take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) - I use Arimidex for the nipples. Gyno is nothing to screw with.