Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) question


New member
TRT question

Ive thought of 2 more questions:

1) will testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cause baldness? Ive got a really thick head of hair and probably would not go bald anytime soon if I didnt start the TRT.

2) What will happen if I decide to not to continue my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) treatment after the 20 weeks? Will my T levels go back to where they were before (117) or will they go all the way down to zero?

Side note: My levels were down to 117 because I was on pain meds (opioids) for 2 years. Before that my T level was in a good healthy range. So would it be possible for my levels to go back up to where they were before taking the pain medicine?
1)- Impossible to answer with 100% certainty.

2)- They definetely won't fall to zero, but whether they return to normal...only time will tell. I assume this is doctor prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), so he will run blood tests as a follow up if he decides to take you off.
Frisco, I'm not positive cuz he's ur doc, but usually a doc won't put you on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for a length of time. He may be saying 20 weeks and then a blood test to see how that dose is doing, etc. I think you may be looking at this the wrong way.

Like i said in your other thread... TRT/HRT is for life.

I think the only reason I am thinking 20 weeks is because I have 20 ml of Test that he doc sent me. I take 1 cc per week and so it will last me 20 weeks.

The doctor I am using is tharc.com (Total health and rejuvenation center in Florida). I live in Texas so the lines of communication are not great and I still have a ton of questions.

I noticed that the sponsor here specializes in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and I might switch after my 6 months supply is up.