Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) seems to be the way. i need advice


TRT seems to be the way. i need advice

At age 17 I had done my first cycle of AAS . Also I did another cycle at 18..with a shitty PCT both times.Now at age 20 I have very low testosterone 203ng/DL . Which is the obvious resault of someone that young taking steroids..I was very young and very dumb at the time..I have excepted the fact that I will most likely end up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life.and im almost positive I shut down my natty test..my libido,sex drive, strength, are f***n s**t..but worst of all is depression..I left my gf and lost some real close friends as well..my Endocrinologist is going to do one last blood test before starting..but I know my results will come back low again..so I'm just learning all I can about it..

I'm 6"1 196lbs 12% bf and lean..I have lost 105.6lbs in 6 months(with the T levels of a f**kn old man) due to very very hard training and nutrition..my diet is 40/40/20 (P/C/F) eating 6 meals a day.
I am also a light heavyweight boxer and train daily. So I am constantly sweating and loosing weight and some lean muscle which is hard as shit to maintain what muscle I still have left..

My question to you guys are..if I was to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will I build lean hard muscle like I should?
Will I finally burn that last little bit of fat I need to shred off?
I feel that I can greatly benefit from doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) from a physical standpoint as well as mentally..but if I really worked hard in the gym and also had great conditioning..could I see some amazing results? (Obviously not AAS results) but be ripped and strong as a mofo if I have the will to change?
Any input is greatly appreciated..
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