Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) w/ DECA 200mg. - question


TRT w/ DECA 200mg. - question

Hey guys,

40yrs young
Very Athletic build

I've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) since November of last year. My joints have been been killing me as of late so I got some DECA 200mg (BG Pharmaceutical) You can see a pic of this under steroid picture forum...

I currently pin every other week 400 MG/2cc of Test-E.

Today I stacked it with DECA 200mg/1cc and 400mg/2cc of Test-E making my set up for a total of a 3ml/cc pin.

My source says pin The DECA for 6-8 wks then off for 4-6wks. I failed to ask him is the 6-8 weeks running time , which would = 1 to 1.5 months of only count when I pin which would = 3 months, last pin being 7/21.

I get my blood work done regularly as prescribe by my doctor.

Thank you for your input in advance.