24 week cycle , test 250, deca 325, tren 400-600 per week.. What kind of gains would be typical with diet rest and training all on point?
5'10 195 lbs +\-
Hard to say for sure I know.. Any ideas or speculation based on my stats?
No particular goal, not as far as gunning for any certain in weight gain/ results anyway, unless somebody wants to chime in here
Basically the plan is I'm going to stay under 20% body fat and see how my body responds to the combination of drugs with proper training diet and rest
If I gain 20 lbs cool , I gain 30, even better.. I know a younger guy who put on almost 60 fucking pounds with his first cycle, elite genetic response to the drugs he was taking
All new territory for me , I hope My body respond to anabolics well and I see the crazy results some guys get from these kind of cycles.. Whatever happens I am in this for the long haul and will chip away at this learning as I go.. 5'10 195 lbs +\- a solid twenty to thirty pounds in gains with one cycle - gains that I can hold onto.. Would be a huge step forward in the direction I want to go in
This is going to be a fucking blast ***55357;***56833;