The 5x5 routine

I have been training for sometime, with some pretty good intesity, but I have to say, not until I started the 5x5 has my back and chest ever got the pump that it gets off of Needsize's 5x5 routine. Over the years I have tried many different routines, thi sone really seems to do it for my body. Thanks again Needsize...
Okay Needsize, I'm going to give it a go starting next week! I've had a number of people try it and they like the results that they've got so here goes nothing! I'll keep ya' posted!
Mystical said:
I have been training for sometime, with some pretty good intesity, but I have to say, not until I started the 5x5 has my back and chest ever got the pump that it gets off of Needsize's 5x5 routine. Over the years I have tried many different routines, thi sone really seems to do it for my body. Thanks again Needsize...

Glad you like it, i keep trying new variations of the routine but the original version is still my favourite

Fyre, if you ever need me to give you a "hands on" boost to the program let me know...
"Fyre, if you ever need me to give you a "hands-on" boost to the program let me know"

I like "hands-on"!!!!!!!:D
you dont make muscles harder, a muscle is a muscle, hardness is merely a matter of the amount of bodyfat you're carrying. But it will make them bigger, its put the last 50lbs of mass on my frame
5x5 is a great routine. I have been doing it for a few months now and have noticed awesome gains. I basically use the same weight until i can hit all 5 sets for 5 reps then the following week i increase weight. I feel it's important to use compound lifts like deadlifts, benchpress, and squats to get the best results from the routine. 5x5 is the way to go!!! Training hard and heavy you cant beat it!!!
needsize,, i must say i have incorperated this into my core lifts and am very pleased so far.
Needsize, this 5x5 workout is great so far, I can't really say much about it yet because I've only been on it for a week, but I will say that I feel a lot better, a lot stronger, and a lot fuller since I started this program. Anyway, a couple questions...

My hams really suck so I gave them a day to themselves at the gym...anyway, I start off with some good mornings and then hit the stiff legged dead lifts and then some leg curls. should I use the 5x5 routine on both the good mornings AND the stiff legged deads? or just choose one of them and use the other exercise for 8-10 reps along with the leg curls???

Reason I'm asking this is because I started off with 4 sets of good mornings 6-10 reps (today) and then I went to stiff legged deads and did the 5x5 routine and it seemed to work well, then after that I did 3 sets of leg curls 8-10 reps. Was that stupid??? should I always use the 5x5 exercise first?

I use this on core lifts ......Bench....presses....rows .....deads...
I,m able too handle more weight while not compromising form
OK IM new here and to this whole workout routine excuse my ignorance do i get into the 5x5 routine in my work out
man thanks for the info i'am tryin this program .i've heard of startin heavy and then takin weight off but not this .i can dig this
TechChemY, honestly I would do either the stiff legged deads or good mornings in the workout, for 5x5, and not bother with the other one. I'd cycle back and forth in between both maybe as it seems like a lot of work for the hams. Myself, I do them on squat day as they get a lot of work while squatting. After the squats I do a few sets of stiffs, finish with maybe 2 sets of lying curls and I'm out.