The AF Store


Official Sponsor
We're very sorry for any trouble you might have had over the last 48 hours with the AF Store. We moved. Anyone who has moved a website of this size can tell you it sucks worse than anything you can imagine pertaining to the internet.
The links on the banners here are not working yet but will be shortly, so to find the store click on and you'll get there.

Any orders in the next week will include a free gift as our way of saying thanks for sticking with us.

No it's not a box of gear for your next cycle but it's a nice little gift none the less.
Ulter I just made a note of the new URL's for your banners and will have them changed as soon as Floris gets back online.

And trust me, I totally understand the hassle of changing server companies. Its not fun, especially with the transfering of domain names.

AF Store is run by some great people, people that have been in our community for a long time. Check them out when you have the chance. Very innovative products and some very good service.
the af store rocks. ulter and those guys are cool ass dudes with a great business for us people. bump for them anytime.
I recently placed a large order for NYC. Its great stuff and it won't last forever even if the FDA doesn't ban ephedra.
All of the AF Stores banners should be working properly now so feel free to visit them by simply clicking on one of them. They are located at te top and the bottom of the forums. You just have to wait for them to come up as they rotate with our other sponsors banners.
Trevdog said:
I recently placed a large order for NYC. Its great stuff and it won't last forever even if the FDA doesn't ban ephedra.

Yeah, I got my 4-pack a couple weeks ago. I've ordered from them before, always been quick and easy. Props!