fat burners
I lost 2 inches off my waste, heres how: I dont do cardio, I move quickly between my sets, I quit eating at JIBox, instead i eat a protien bar or some jerky on the road, I finally got off my ass enough to get 2 the gym more than 1 or 2 times per week, Im probabley averaging 3 times per week. I also tried that product called Cortisol, maybe that helped, anyhow Im trying to keep myself moving in the right direction, I think its habit and disipline which im finding out works for people off all levels of fitness,most of us just need a lot more of the HandD, the supplement is supposed to be just that, a supplement,the rest comes from within, or the fact that were tired of looking at pictures of ourselves resembling Homer, any body know much about the anti cortisol products and whether they work?