The Classic "Test E & Dbol cycle" Let's perfect this one, and put it to rest!



The Classic "Test E & Dbol cycle" Let's perfect this one, and put it to rest!

With all of the various opinions on this particular cycle my head is still spinning trying to come to a conclusion on what will yield the best results while retaining the most gains!
Keeping in mind that we are trying to control, and minimize side effects in the process.
Its the same issue over, and over I see in these posts all over the net actually. People keep posting this thread, because they are having issues incorporating the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) S, and the PCT into the cycle! Not with the test dosage, or dbol kick start.

Keeping in mind of course that everyone will have different experiences while running a similar cycle can we at least agree to put up a general guide line that one can tailor to their specific needs? In layman s terms please with the beginners interest in mind here.

The ultimate goal here with this stack is to build a solid foundation for the future (for most of us I think at least) and this goal is to put on, and maintain as much quality mass as possible while maximizing our gains thereafter the cycle. We would also like to keep the side effects to a minimal level, but not to a degree that it would hinder our gains in the process.
I am trying to cover every angle here, so that everything is in order, and there will be no confusion, and nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.. Hopefully we can put a rest to this much debated subject, and all you Veteran's can clarify a few things to all of us beginners out there.
Keep in mind it was hard enough figuring out what all of the abv. meant so seeing as this is a beginner stack lets keep the explanations simple, and user friendly shall we?

All right here's what I came up with.
I greatly appreciate your time in advance, and I anxiously await your critique.

Test Enanthate/Dbol/Arminedex/Test Prop

Accompanying the cycle will be..
Arimedex wk 1-12 aprox .5mg EOD ending at last prop shot
wk 1-4 <or> 1-5 (depending when test kicks in) =dbol= 30mg ED divided into 3 times a day at 10mg per dose)
wk 1-10 test-E 500mg/ 250mg E3.5D's
HCG 250iu's e4d's starting wk 6-11 last shot ending 10 days before PCT
wk 11-12 Test Prop First shot 50mg then EOD schedule adding 25mg till 125mg is reached at end of 12th week. Reason behind this is that there will be test E lingering behind from last shot and I am trying to maintain levels while incorporating the Prop into the cycle for a quick way into post cycle therapy (pct). Really need opinions, and scientific facts for this please. While it makes scene to me I am not sure of how both compounds will bridge, and react at the end with this idea..

Nolva- 3 to 4 days after end of week 12 & last prop shot.
Nolva Dosage- 40mg first day then 30wk/30wk/20wk/20wk/10wk
Aromasin .25mg starting the first week of our PCT then reduced to 12.5mg e3d for 2-3 weeks into PCT

Clenbuterol 40mcg a day throughout PCT

(Considering this after some interesting information that I read, and I quote.)

"Clen has a blocking affect on cortisol. When cortisol levels are high for too long it can eat muscle. Clen is also anti-catabolic which prevents the breakdown of proteins making it easier to build new muscle. After you come off your cycle your Cortisol levels will be all over the map. The Clen will help stabilize them until your natural test production is high enough and your Cortisol levels return to normal."
Not sure of the effects of Clen with the Nolva, or Aromasin.

Comments/Suggestions? Thank you for your time, and I greatly appreciate your advice in advance..
Quick stats just incase you ask to save time as I am raring to go here with my order
36yrs old 220lbs 15%bf all natural power lifter/ body builder (just for kicks nothing serious ) 16 years of training. I've previously done 2 low dosage test only cycles about 10 years ago. Well conditioned, and ready to go here with your approval, and expertise of course!
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I thought that taking something like aramosin with nolva, can actually hurt recovery? Do to to low levels of estrogen?

I thought Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and SERM in PCT=NO NO
The clen bothers me... How do you react to stimulants like caffine, ephedra,ect... Some people lose their apetite and eating less is not going to helping keep gains..
And no need for aromisen for post cycle therapy (pct). Your sex drive is gonna be dead as it is. Stick with nolva or clomid and some hcg. Jmo