the completely out of control Newbie Cycle - check this out...

FYI: Propecia (androgen blocker) can cause you to develop low testosterone over time, and may not be reversible. Just some food for thought. :)

Yeah I'm not planning to stay on past this 10wk cycle. I just added it in for extra protection against my added testosterone converting to dht and accelerating my mpb. Plus I don't like paying $50 a month for it. :freak:
FYI: Propecia (androgen blocker) can cause you to develop low testosterone over time, and may not be reversible. Just some food for thought. :)

Yes, so can recreational use of AAS... :p

Why we're talking mpb, i have some 50mg winstrol or 10mg anavar but both of those are on the naughty list for accelerating mpb. So i'm thinking about just skipping them. I like what little hair I have left on my head. So far I just have that bald spot in back of head. Lol. Any opinions on risk with winny or anavar and mpb?
Also, we haven't talked much about my PIP on this thread. Like clockwork starts about 12 hours after injection. Peaks about 24-48 hours after injection (like limping around on quad or hard to get in and out of truck if glute). Then fades away around 72 hours. Then 84 hours time for next shot (2xweek). I've been accused on the boards of being a pussy with virgin muscles and at same time accused of shitty gear with high BA content. So which is it?
Why we're talking mpb, i have some 50mg winstrol or 10mg anavar but both of those are on the naughty list for accelerating mpb. So i'm thinking about just skipping them. I like what little hair I have left on my head. So far I just have that bald spot in back of head. Lol. Any opinions on risk with winny or anavar and mpb?
Any AAS can accelerate MPB; it's really a matter of genetics and predisposition. It's believed that the higher the androgenic activity, the greater the risk, but there's little solid evidence proving this.

Lots of experienced guys will however tell you that var is safer on the hairline, while winny is not. Besides, winstrol should be saved for if you're going to compete really - as it just draws water from your subcutaneous tissues more than anything. It doesn't reduce fat by any stretch of the imagination. ;)

Also, we haven't talked much about my PIP on this thread. Like clockwork starts about 12 hours after injection. Peaks about 24-48 hours after injection (like limping around on quad or hard to get in and out of truck if glute). Then fades away around 72 hours. Then 84 hours time for next shot (2xweek). I've been accused on the boards of being a pussy with virgin muscles and at same time accused of shitty gear with high BA content. So which is it?

Could be both really. Virgin muscle tissue is going to scream at you for quite awhile, but high concentration or high BA gear will always have a bite.

Just don't massage/rub/apply heat or ice to the site, and let nature do its thing. If PIP is making things very difficult, an Ibuprofen may help. :)
I did my third pin of my first test e only cycle today. When I inject I feel no pain at all but 24 hours after I feel a little bit of sore. At 48 hours it hurts a lot more but it's not that bad, I mean I can do my leg day so it's not a big problem. I think it's because we have virgin muscle. My testosterone is legit, no doubt. 250mg*1ML te ragon labs. The real one. Also I take adex at .25 eod since day 1 and I have no side effect of low or high estrogen level. If I start to feel some side I will up the dose at .50 eod. I'm injecting in quads too. Good luck bro hope it helps.
I did my third pin of my first test e only cycle today. When I inject I feel no pain at all but 24 hours after I feel a little bit of sore. At 48 hours it hurts a lot more but it's not that bad, I mean I can do my leg day so it's not a big problem. I think it's because we have virgin muscle. My testosterone is legit, no doubt. 250mg*1ML te ragon labs. The real one. Also I take adex at .25 eod since day 1 and I have no side effect of low or high estrogen level. If I start to feel some side I will up the dose at .50 eod. I'm injecting in quads too. Good luck bro hope it helps.

Good to know I'm not the only one with this. Honestly my glute hurt longer than my quad. I still feel a knot in my glute from last Wednesday.

I'm not sure if I mentioned above but I started my adex at .30 eod last night (day one of week 2). Mainly because not all my tabs broke in half easily and a couple only a smaller piece crumbled off that approximated 1/3 of the pill. So I just started with the 1/3 pieces (approx .30 for this week) and next week I'll start taking the pieces that broke up right (approximately 0.5mg eod). Some veterans on other forums and various cycle plans I have read suggested not even starting AI's until week 3 or so. Therefore, I'm not that concerned.
I did my third pin of my first test e only cycle today. When I inject I feel no pain at all but 24 hours after I feel a little bit of sore. At 48 hours it hurts a lot more but it's not that bad, I mean I can do my leg day so it's not a big problem. I think it's because we have virgin muscle. My testosterone is legit, no doubt. 250mg*1ML te ragon labs. The real one. Also I take adex at .25 eod since day 1 and I have no side effect of low or high estrogen level. If I start to feel some side I will up the dose at .50 eod. I'm injecting in quads too. Good luck bro hope it helps.

So did your tabs break into quarters easily or how did you end up with the 0.25 dose? They are 1mg tabs right or did you get your hands on some 0.5mg tabs?
So starting week 2 I gained 6lbs (190 to 196). And I was wondering why I felt totally lethargic last Friday and Saturday. I started doing total bulk eating last week. Huge portions and lots of proteins and switched my regular protein powder for Optimum serious mass to add in extra calories. I'm feeling better now as my body has adapted. I'm a little scared because everyone says this Test doesn't really start kicking until week 5 :eek2:
So starting week 2 I gained 6lbs (190 to 196). And I was wondering why I felt totally lethargic last Friday and Saturday. I started doing total bulk eating last week. Huge portions and lots of proteins and switched my regular protein powder for Optimum serious mass to add in extra calories. I'm feeling better now as my body has adapted. I'm a little scared because everyone says this Test doesn't really start kicking until week 5 :eek2:

Could be estradiol messing with you. Water gain always comes first (the glycogen that you're now storing in larger quantities is mostly water), even if estradiol is in check.

Getting a blood test around week 4/5 will answer this. :)
Could be estradiol messing with you. Water gain always comes first (the glycogen that you're now storing in larger quantities is mostly water), even if estradiol is in check.

Getting a blood test around week 4/5 will answer this. :)

So what do people tell their doctors when they want this blood work done? I don't have a problem telling him I'm on a cycle. I've told my doctor crazier shit. He knows I'm a little wheels off. But what kind of blood work do I request... I have a doctor that his really good at this hormone stuff but he's prescribing me a super small dose of Test (like 1 10ml vial for 12 weeks) and I don't want him to know I'm abusing it as I want to get him to prescribe me another 10ml vial...ha. So he'd really be the best doctor for the bloodwork because he knows all about steroid supplements but then I think he'd stop prescribing for me once I told him I'm abusing the scripts....
couple points -

- run your HCG 'On cycle' , not in pct. this will make recovery go much smoother. you can mix 250iu in with each of your testosterone pins, or you can pin it sub q

I never said I was going to run during PCT, I was just going to do the kick start my nuts method the last 4 weeks of my cycle. However, I am now considering what you said above adding in 500iu/week HCG the rest of my cycle (i'm middle of week 2 of 10 although my stretch this to a 12 week cycle). So would you mind helping me out on a couple things...

Next week I am thinking about dividing my 500mg into three shots (Sun, Tues, thursday). Several reasons; (1) cut back on some of the PIP from pumping a full cc in every shot; (2) give me more even levels in my blood because I notice I feel completely jacked like Monday night and Tuesday and then back to normal Wednesday morning; (3) because I was going to start adding 250iu HCG injections twice a week (like add to my Sunday/Thursday injection) which is back to point 1 because if I add 250iu to 1cc sounds like a lot.

Do you all think this is a good idea? or just stick with my two time week injections and add the 250iu of HCG to keep it simple?

also, I have read conflicting articles about shelf life of HCG. I've seen these articles about how it has a short shelf life once reconstituted and therefore you got to do the whole freezing insulin syringe method. Then I read another article that said that was just a myth and it has a shelf life of 90 days once reconstituted. So which is it?

Here are the two articles:
Standard article from this forum, saying same thing Roush did and talking about freezing

Another article basically saying same thing Roush did but that HCG is actually good for longer than most people say it is **********
well, doesn't appear anyone is really paying attention to my thread much anymore but I'll give an update. I feel much better this week than last week. By Friday and Saturday last week I felt lethargic and bloated and like a complete mess other than the fact I still got 5 workouts in which were pretty strenuous workouts and I recovered real well from all of them. Normally I only do a 3 or 4 day week split and feel pretty wore out by the end of the week. So it is weird to describe, but I didn't feel all sore and achy all over from my workouts. I simply just felt fat, bloated, and lethargic and hot. (that was all end of week 1). Part of it was I put on 6lbs and was eating a shitload of food and force feeding myself all week.

I felt much better this week (week 2). I started my Anastrozle eod this week at about 0.3mg. I actually did take 3 days in a row one day. I think I took AI Sunday night, then Tues, wed, thurs. none Friday, will take one tomorrow. when I broke it up some little pieces crumbled off that I estimated were about 0.3 and those were what I took this week. Next week I'll just stick with the 0.5mg eod.

Next week I am thinking about breaking my 2cc's into three shots instead of two. That is, if I can figure out how to measure 2/3cc on my syringe. I can definitely feel the ups and downs of the Test in my blood stream with only the Sunday/Thursday pins. I'm hoping 3 shots will keep my blood levels even and may even reduce the PIP I get about 24 hours after the injection.
So my cycle:

10 weeks 500 mg Advanced Pharma Test Enanthate. Two pins per week Sunday morning and Wednesday night
Aromisin starting week 3 for 8.5 weeks.
PCT - I have Clomid, Nolva, and HCG. But like I said I want to be conservative with my stash. I was going to do standard 20 days of Clomid and Nolva 14 days after last for feedback. I'm not even sure if I want to mess with HCG...

That was kind of confusing. I just threw that post up on this website at a whim one night after I already was in week 1 of my cycle. I had some second guessing in the beginning of my cycle about what I wanted to do for estrogen blockers; (1) I was waiting on an order of Aromasin at the time that I thought was lost forever; (2) I had enough Nolva for two cycle PCT's so thought about being cheap and using it on cycle for estrogen control; and (3) I wasn't even sure I needed an AI for 500mg a week of Test. So to clarify this is the current cycle plan I am following:

(1) 10 weeks 500mg/Week Test Enanthate (1cc pins Sunday morning at 8am and Wednesday night at 8pm)

(2) 0.25-0.40'ish of Anastrozle (Arimidex) eod. (I was going to do 0.5 eod but my tabs broke up in smaller increments and I started taking them this way and feel just fine so far)

(3) 250iu HCG 3x per week for the two week period after last injection of Test Enanthate and before starting PCT drugs

(4) PCT (start 14 days after last injection of Test Enanthate
Day 1 Clomid 250mg + Nolvadex 60mg
Following 10 days Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg

I haven't received any feedback on my PCT yet and I'm still contemplating doing the HCG 250iu with every pin as is the suggested protocol per this particular forum. I'm really not that opposed to trying it but I'm about to start week 3 and still haven't made up my

I've posted some questions on HCG related threads but no one has replied yet. Muscle Milk probably thought it was one of my incessant questions, ridiculous theories, and me trying to reinvent the wheel. The reason I'm reluctant is there are other forums where all the veterans feel equally as strong about their position to just use HCG the last couple weeks on cycle and I find this to be consistent with the pharmacy textbooks my GF researched. All the pharmacy textbooks say there is no benefit to running HCG longer than 3-4 weeks. They say it doesn't matter the dosage (500iu week or 1500iu week) that the testes desensitize and HCG does nothing past 4 weeks of use. I do understand some other MD came out with this other research and that's why all the men on this forum go with the 500iu per week the duration of their cycle method. Like I said, I'm not strongly opposed but as long as I keep thinking about it I'll be near the end of my 10 week cycle pretty soon
Is it weird oldmusclemike messaged me requesting naked pics so he can inspect my balls?

LMAO. Just kidding....hahahaha.

Seriously, below are some pics of me the week before I started my cycle. I am 5'11" and was 190 and 13% BF the week before cycle started. My measurements of success are mostly strength and athletic performance gains (not weight gains or mass) since I'm not a bodybuilder. However, my goal is to bulk up about to 200-205 to achieve my strength goals.

For the record, I also have legs too. I squat legit ass to grass squats at least twice a week. I apologize that I don't have any pics of me bodybuilding posing in my thong underwear showing off my quads. My last squat workout precycle, I did 5 sets of 5 with 275lbs each set, squatting below parallel and not going to failure even on 5th set. So my squat max is somewhere in the 300s based on that. Been a while since I maxed out.

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Aromasin has a short half life and should be dosed daily . I would just go with Anastrozole/Adex and dose it at 0.25 mg Eod as a starting point and adjust from there after bloods

I heard that before. I'm not using my Aromasin this cycle but have extra that I was planning to use next cycle. So do most guys quarter these caps or tabs? And why do a lot of respectable steroid websites (not forums) list the 12.5-25mg eod day dosages in their drug profiles for Aromasin?
yeah when i hit my delt for the first time it felt like someone hit me with a fucking hammer and i couldn't hit the gym or raise my arm above my head for three days. i was told either my gear was shit or i did it wrong basically because the pain should never be that intense even with npp or test pp witch supposedly have painful esters. knowing my gear was NOT shit i paid much closer attention to my next injection did not aspirate, kept my hand nice and steady and pushed in the plunger nice and slowly and what do you know painless. it also helps to do the shot right after you get out of a warm shower so you clean and your muscles are loose.
Is it weird oldmusclemike messaged me requesting naked pics so he can inspect my balls? ]

I don't give a fvck if you are joking or not. I am going to ask you to leave my name out of your dialogue and posts. This is the second time you have told the public that I have been privately talking to you and asking for pics. You show no respect on this forum to anyone. As far a joking with me you don't know me long enough for me or anyone else to understand where you come from if not just to disrespect.
I don't give a fvck if you are joking or not. I am going to ask you to leave my name out of your dialogue and posts. This is the second time you have told the public that I have been privately talking to you and asking for pics. You show no respect on this forum to anyone. As far a joking with me you don't know me long enough for me or anyone else to understand where you come from if not just to disrespect.

Start of week 3 today. I weighed in and actually dropped from 195-196lb range last sunday to 193-194lb range this week. I assume I lost some water weight from starting the arimadex this week and I also increased to 5 day a week training split. Fine with me as I'm not really going for maximum bulk. I've been keeping up with core, mobility and intense interval cardio. I felt it kicking today though. I did an Olympic lifting day and weights felt pretty light.

Snatch - 4 working weight sets 3 reps of 185lbs with 5 second hold in bottom **********
2 cleans + 1 jerk - 4 working weight sets of 205lbs with pause in bottom of squat.
Finished with a couple sets of push press 5x155lbs

The main thing I noticed like with workout like above precycle I would have gone home and felt like I just got hit with a bus. I feel just fine now.
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