the completely out of control Newbie Cycle - check this out...

Today is last day of week 3. Some of you all have been following the pinning thread I started and I gave some updates on there about pinning mishaps during the week. Mainly my Wednesday night glute pin where my usual compounding pharmacist girl friend was not available so I had another girl friend do it and fucked it up and shot it all in low back muscle. At any rate, we don't need to belabor that discussion again over here.

My main update for cycle thread is total Lethargic feeling all week. If I had to guess, I think I started to slip behind on sleep and it was like a domino effect. I started week staying up late a couple nights and then a couple nights couldn't sleep choking on sinus drainage. My sex drive is high, my workouts seem fine, no bloating, etc. But man I just felt like shit this week. like just laying on the floor in my apartment without energy to get up and make my usual shake before bed or even energy to get on this forum and bug you guys and I just wanted to lay down and zone out all day.
So did your tabs break into quarters easily or how did you end up with the 0.25 dose? They are 1mg tabs right or did you get your hands on some 0.5mg tabs?

Hey I got 1mg adex from tera gon labs. I cut them in half and I cut the two part in two other part. Around .20 to .30 mg per pill. For the moment ( I'm on week 3 ) I have absolutely no sign of high or low estrogen level. BTW I use a razor blade it cuts the pill like butter.
Is your diet on point ?I'm on week 3 too and I'm starting to feel stronger and I have a LOT more energy at the gym. I act like a dick sometimes though and I have way too much confidence it's annoying. I tend to be more agressive and it's not hard to pun me and make me rage like a fucking dumbass
Hey I got 1mg adex from tera gon labs. I cut them in half and I cut the two part in two other part. Around .20 to .30 mg per pill. For the moment ( I'm on week 3 ) I have absolutely no sign of high or low estrogen level. BTW I use a razor blade it cuts the pill like butter.

Yeah the pharmacist chick i was talking to said breaking or razor blade is way to go. She says pill cutters suck and end up crushing and wasting medicine.
Is your diet on point ?I'm on week 3 too and I'm starting to feel stronger and I have a LOT more energy at the gym. I act like a dick sometimes though and I have way too much confidence it's annoying. I tend to be more agressive and it's not hard to pun me and make me rage like a fucking dumbass

I think my diet is still good. My diet started slipping this week because I was too lethargic to get off my ass and make food or eat. But even on those days I had three solid meals that werent hamburgers and pizza. Here is a typical day:

Half an apple and almond butter premorning workout
Gatorade and protien powder post workout
Breakfast- 5 eggs scalrambled with kale and bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and omega swirl oil
Lunch - greek or mediateranean - rice with chicken kabobs or gyro meat and greek salad
Snack - apple almonds pulled chicken
Dinner - either (1) salmon/jasmine rice/broccolli or (2) rotiserie chicken/sweet potato/green beans.
Snack - smoothie weight gain powder banana frozen mango whole milk

That is my typical day give or take and sometimes i miss a snack. Portion sizes are pretty good. Large pieces of chicken or salmon. I went from 190 to 195 pretty easily. I am open for food suggestions. I need to push myself to get to 205.
Start AI on day one (1) to control your Estrogen which will be immediately effected on day one.
Got it day one.

Low Estrogen Side Effects:

- Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life

High Estrogen Side Effects:-
Gynecomastia just one
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues
- Crying like a little girl and being emotional all the time

I went back to look at this side effect list. My main symptoms are fatigue, lethargy, poor sense of well being & poor quality of life. Those are all on the low estrogen list. My sex drive is fine. I have a couple symptoms on high estrogen list like insomnia a couple nights but I think those were allergy related. I have been taking less than 0.5mg of anastrozle eod. For about two weeks now, i'm somewhere between 0.3mg and 0.4mg eod. So wondering if I need to adjust this or just try to get better sleep this week. How effed up can you get on Testosterone if you don't get a solid 8 hours of sleep?
I have been taking less than 0.5mg of anastrozle eod. For about two weeks now, i'm somewhere between 0.3mg and 0.4mg eod. So wondering if I need to adjust this or just try to get better sleep this week.

We can't advise you on changing your AI dose without see your blood test results. Try Privatemdlabs if you need to. Find Estradiol and Total Testosterone, as a bare basic.
We can't advise you on changing your AI dose without see your blood test results. Try Privatemdlabs if you need to. Find Estradiol and Total Testosterone, as a bare basic.

hey halfape211, so what are you suggesting though...I was just wondering since my symptoms seem to be low estrogen related does that mean cut back on estrogen blockers? Or does it not work that way? And then why'd you make the suggestions for Privatmedlabs, Estradiol and Total Testosterone? Could you elaborate on those.
I may be dealing with some Test Flu. I was warned about this but hoped it wouldn't happen to me. This symptom list nailed exactly what my past week as been like:

Listed below are a few symptoms you may be experiencing:
***8226; fever (low grade)
***8226; severe aches and pains in the joints and muscles
***8226; generalized weakness
***8226; fatigue
***8226; headache
***8226; dry cough
***8226; sore throat and watery discharge from your nose

I got that from here

I have everything on that list this past week. I'm pretty sure I was dealing with slight fever as I had a couple nights I woke up drenched in sweat. I've had the dry cough which I thought was from allergies. Headache in morning and the fatigue and general weakness I mentioned earlier.

I actually hope this is all that it is and I just wait it out because it ought to be going away soon I assume as i'm already about 5-6 days into it.
I may be dealing with some Test Flu....

i just came up with that diagnosis based on the fact those symptoms seem to nail my past week. Also, that if we were going to look at Estrogen related symptoms, I would be leaning more towards the low estrogen symptoms which I find hard to believe as I didn't start my AI's till week 2 and I'm on a pretty low AI dose (0.2-0.3mg eod). Looking at the Test Flue symtoms, this past week I had the sore throat, dry cough and headache which I had previously attributed to allergies.
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i just came up with that diagnosis based on the fact those symptoms seem to nail my past week. Also, that if we were going to look at Estrogen related symptoms, I would be leaning more towards the low estrogen symptoms which I find hard to believe as I didn't start my AI's till week 2 and I'm on a pretty low AI dose (0.2-0.3mg eod). Looking at the Test Flue symtoms, this past week I had the sore throat, dry cough and headache which I had previously attributed to allergies.

Yeah Test Flu is stupid. I'm back to Low Estrogen diagnosis. All my cold like and allergy symptoms are gone. I think I just had a little bug earlier this week or allergies like I thought. Yet I'm completely lethargic and fatigued like took everything in me to turn on my computer just now because I have to do some work I told my boss I'd get done this weekend. I just barely have spurts of energy like when I go to gym or make myself eat. I think I really underestimated how powerful the Arimidex is even though I thought I was relatively safe on a low dose (~0.2mg to ~0.4mg eod). So besides bloodwork, which I'm working on a way to get that because I don't want to go to my regular physician, so besides bloodwork how do I make adjustments?

I was thinking just back off Arimidex rest of week and wait until I start seeing some of the sides of High Estrogen (if any). I'm not talking about being a dumbass and waiting until my nipples itch before starting again. I'm just referring to keeping a close watch for some of the milder sides like water retention, ED, insomnia, emotional, etc. Then can I go e3d or do I need to slice these caps into even smaller pieces? I basically 1/3'd a 1mg pill because the damn things were shaped like a triangle which did not make convenient for cutting into 1/4 pieces.
Diet is on point. I don't know what's going on bro maybe someone with more experience could help you on this
Today starts week 5. My newbie question of the week is that after my shot this morning, it doesn't look like I have 1cc left in my vial for wednesday. Say I only have 1/2 or 3/4 cc, should I just inject that Wednesday and open my new vial next Sunday? Or bust open new vial to top off cc?

For my update today, finally got that Arimadex flushed out of my system and today is really my first day feeling back to the way I did before my estrogen levels tanked. It took a good week to get back to this. It's Sunday now and my last AI was 7 days ago. That was not fun at all. A vet on another forum says these underground labs sometimes overdose their arimadex. Anyways, after that experience I'm definitely in the camp of less is more. I've been kind of suspect of some of the forums that they prescribe way too many drugs to begin with instead of seeing how body reacts (i.e. starting AI and HCG immediately without even seeing how it goes).

As far as results, I weighed in at 196 mid week (started cycle at 190). I squatted 315 x 5 reps yesterday with ease (started cycle around 275). These were high bar back squats below parallel. Today is my Olympic lifting day. I'll weigh in and post update on O'lift progress later
I forgot to weigh myself. Today's workout:

3x205 (missed 3, made 4th attempt)
235 missed twice

2 cleans + 1jerk
245 (missed jerk)

Beginning of week 5 pics. Wish i had a mirror that I could take lower body pics since most of my workouts revolve around squats (back squat, snatch, clean and jerk, deadlifts). I don't spend a lot of time on mirror muscles (chest, abs, bi's, tri's).

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For my update today, finally got that Arimadex flushed out of my system and today is really my first day feeling back to the way I did before my estrogen levels tanked. It took a good week to get back to this. It's Sunday now and my last AI was 7 days ago. That was not fun at all. A vet on another forum says these underground labs sometimes overdose their arimadex. Anyways, after that experience I'm definitely in the camp of less is more. I've been kind of suspect of some of the forums that they prescribe way too many drugs to begin with instead of seeing how body reacts (i.e. starting AI and HCG immediately without even seeing how it goes).

So this is week 6 and i'm struggling with a few things. First i got itchy nips now. I didnt pay much attention last two days but by end of today I definitly have itchy nips. I stopped AI 2 weeks ago because my estrogen levels crashed and i felt like shit. Now I am back to feeling great but getting itchy nips. I started back on AI with dose yesterday and today. Do I need to take any other precautions such as a big dose of AI to load it back up in system.

Second, Work schedule is messing up last half of cycle and i am considering stopping. You can see thread on that i started here

I actually skipped my sunday shot but thinking about starting again with my wednesday shot and just finishing cycle even though I will be struggling with only 3 workouts a week (if that) and averaging only 6-7 hours of sleep per night. I think I can keep diet decent.
Week 6 update. So I skipped my Sunday shot because I was thought I was going to have to quit my cycle due to my work schedule but then I changed my mind and I'm going to stick through it. So I just did my Wednesday shot a little early and added about an extra 1/4cc to my shot. I'll get back on regular Sun/Wed shot schedule going forward. I skipped almost a whole week of workouts last wednesday to this wednesday. So really just a bad week that I need to put behind me. Here are the progress pics I took this morning:

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